I was listening to a Bike Talk podcast (show #5, “Sacramento Area Bicycle Advocates”), and they mentioned SACOG’s Regional Bicycle, Pedestrian, and Trails Master Plan. It took me a bit of searching to find this, so I thought I would post the link. It’s part of their Bike Information and Planning page.
In looking at the SACOG page, I can see why this didn’t turn up as a top search result–the document titles are all graphic images instead of text. LAAAME! Get a clue, SACOG! If you have a document about “Foo”, make sure that “Foo” appears prominently where search engines are going to look for it — HTML title, keyword, head elements, or at the very least as text in the first paragraph of the page! Search engines don’t “read” graphics, and alt tags are more likely to be used in image searches.