Back in 2007 I wrote about [RSS feeds for “Terms and Conditions”][tandc_rss] updates. But this week I have been traveling, hooking up to a lot of free wifi hotspots, and agreeing to a bunch of T&C’s, mostly [without reading said agreements][preposterous]. (I know, it’s preposterous. I should be worried about becoming a HUMANCENTiPAD at this point.)
However, I *have* read enough of these T&C agreements to know that I agree with many of the standard clauses, e.g. I promise not to spam people, engage in illegal online activities, etc. Perhaps if these standard clauses *were* truly standardized, with well-known identifiers, I could pre-agree to them. Then it would just be a matter of checking the non-standard (or not-agreed-to) clauses.