I was just over on [Uneasy Rhetoric][] who is unfortunately taking an [indefinite hiatus](http://www.uneasyrhetoric.net/2007/01/09/indefinite-hiatus/) from blogging. That’ll be a great loss for Sacramento. But the good news is that I ran across a comment by [Margaret][] and stopped by her site for the first time in *way* too long. It turns out that Margaret and Chris are [Netflix][] members, so I hopped over to Netflix and see about adding them to my friends list there. I’m not very happy with Netflix’s approach, which seems too spammy to me, so I’d rather not use it. But I did find an [invitation to join my Netflix friends list][] which is a URL that you can email or post (as I’m doing here). So if you’re a Netflix user *and* a reader, please follow that link and add me (and my family) as one of your friends!
[Uneasy Rhetoric]: http://www.uneasyrhetoric.net/
[Margaret]: http://www.motelmag.com/
[Netflix]: http://www.netflix.com/
[invitation to join my Netflix friends list]: http://www.netflix.com/BeMyFriend/PYME9nxhB1SKinjqJ7CK