I only took a few pictures of [our Thanksgiving feast][tg]. Fortunately, my cousins brought their cameras and didn’t hesitate to use them (and share)! I’ve included a few crowd shots from Greg and Cal. They also allowed me to add their pictures to [our photoset][sonicchicken photoset]. Jeremy and Ducky have [their own Thanksgiving photoset][pinkboi photoset] on Flickr, including pics of the annual “appetite enhancement” ride (and pictures from our dinner, obviously).
[tg]: http://sonicchicken.net/blog/wordpress/20081129/tg-2008-recap/ “Thanksgiving 2008 AAR”
[sonicchicken photoset]: http://www.flickr.com/photos/sonicchicken/sets/72157610548564011/ “Greg and Cal’s Thanksgiving photos”
[pinkboi photoset]: http://www.flickr.com/photos/duckie_and_pinkboi/sets/72157610510446880/ “Jeremy and Ducky’s Thanksgiving photos”