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About this blog…
I use this platform to share things that are of interest to me or things I'll want to reference later. Occasionally other people like these posts, hence "Shared Interests".
What might you find here?
- Problems I've solved (mostly computer- or network related).
- Recipes and cooking-related posts.
- Hobbies and projects.
- Our remodeling experience.
- Local (Sacramento) information.
- Anything that strikes my fancy.
Author Archives: Jim Vanderveen
Finishing “Harry Potter #6” tonight
I was one of the first people in the Pacific timezone to get a copy of Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince (HBP), but I still have yet to finish it. Why? I’m reading it aloud to my family–not only … Continue reading
I’m #1! I’m #1!
I managed to be first in line for Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince at Borders in Sacramento this morning. It was a close race–I got there at about 05:00, only two hours ahead of the second person in line, … Continue reading
“Harry Potter 6” comes out tomorrow night!
Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince comes out tomorrow night/Saturday morning at midnight! I ordered a copy from Borders, same as last time. Unlike last time, they are not going to make people wait in line all day–they’ll be handing … Continue reading
Game night at Arden-Dimick library
I’ve got the community room at the Arden-Dimick branch of the Sacramento Library reserved for boardgaming this coming Wednesday, July 20th from 19:30 until 21:30 (7:30 pm to 9:30 pm for those stuck on 12-hour clocks). I’m posting this event … Continue reading
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Tagged boardgames, library, meetup, sacramento, viking_hobby
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My eighth anniversary at OWP
Today is my 8th anniversary with OWP, although I think my CalPERS anniversary is not until sometime in October. I moved to OWP on 14 Jul 1997, when Alphatec Electronics laid off about 90% of their workforce, including all of … Continue reading
Sacramento boardgaming
Nicholas is setting up a new boardgames site for Sacramento-area gamers. (I’m kibbitzing providing helpful advice.) The new site will be based on WordPress, of course. This whole thing was brought about by Meetup’s recent decision to start charging fees … Continue reading
Blueberry bars
My wife and daughter just made this recipe from “Sacramento Magazine”, July 2005 issue. It was excellent, especially as it was still warm from the oven! Ingredients: – 1/2 c butter, softened – 2 c sugar – 4 eggs – … Continue reading
Adding statcounter to WordPress
I’m thinking about using the free statcounter service on my site, but it requires that I add a little bit of javascript to each page. If I was running a single theme, I could probably find all the appropriate </body> … Continue reading
Awesome “cheat sheets” for web authors
Joseph found a bunch of handy reference sheets on Dave Child’s blog, I love Jack Daniels. The most useful (for WordPress developers, anyway) will probably be the PHP and CSS pages. Dave has also provided web-safe colors, mod_rewrite, and MySQL … Continue reading
Whither the metric system?
The US was the first country to adopt a decimal monetary system, so why are we the very last industrialized country on the planet still using a pre-18th century system of weights and measures? Continue reading