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About this blog…
I use this platform to share things that are of interest to me or things I'll want to reference later. Occasionally other people like these posts, hence "Shared Interests".
What might you find here?
- Problems I've solved (mostly computer- or network related).
- Recipes and cooking-related posts.
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- Local (Sacramento) information.
- Anything that strikes my fancy.
Category Archives: Uncategorized
“Terms and conditions”, another observation
Back in 2007 I wrote about [RSS feeds for “Terms and Conditions”][tandc_rss] updates. But this week I have been traveling, hooking up to a lot of free wifi hotspots, and agreeing to a bunch of T&C’s, mostly [without reading said … Continue reading
Posted in Uncategorized
Tagged internet, law, southpark, technology, terms-and-conditions
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Cucumber salad
This salad is cool and delicious on its own, and it also makes a great palate cleanser between courses. I used a 2mm (about 1/12 of an inch) slicing disc to cut the cucumber very thin, sort of like pickled … Continue reading
Pork baos
We make these pork-filled buns for our family Christmas gathering every year. This is an Americanized dim sum recipe from the 1979 Sunset Chinese Cook Book. (Some good recipes in there, buy a copy if you can find one!) We … Continue reading
Posted in Recipes, Uncategorized
Tagged appetizer, chinese, dim sum, sunset_chinese_cook_book
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Blue Mandarin martini
Add equal parts Absolut Mandarin (orange-flavored vodka) and blue curaçao over crushed ice in a cocktail shaker. “Shaken, not stirred.” Pour into a martini glass, garnish with a half-slice of orange.
Bill Meara has a cool [SolderSmoke blog post][SS] about the [Reverse Beacon Network][RBN]. Unlike regular (“forward”?) beacons where a station automatically transmits specially formatted messages, the Reverse Beacon Network listens for real operators calling CQ (“Does anybody wanna chat with … Continue reading
Posted in Uncategorized
Tagged beacon, ham_radio, reverse_beacon_network, softrock, soldersmoke
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New HF propagation widget
I modified the SonicChicken homepage today. The “weather pixie” links haven’t been working for some time now, so I finally removed all those. I may add some sort of weather widget back in later. But in the meantime, I added … Continue reading
New tumblr user
Two weeks ago [NPR did a story on tumblr][1]. It piqued my interest, as it sounded like a cross between a blog and Facebook. Also the tumblr terms of service were attractive. So I decided to give it a try, … Continue reading
Bad synergy
Mac OS X has some great features, among which are Time Machine (which allows recovery of deleted or overwritten files) and Mail.app. Junk mail filtering means I rarely see spam in my inbox, but I keep “junk” mail in the … Continue reading
Power supply project
I built my 11-amp power supply a while ago, but I just now finished writing up the [article about it](http://www.n6na.org/home/UserN3JIMpowerSupply1).
Home-brewed SWR meter
I finished my home-brewed SWR meter last week, but this blog was down. (I failed to heed my hosting company’s warning about a PHP upgrade, doh!) So, now that the blog is back online, I’m posting it here as well.