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About this blog…
I use this platform to share things that are of interest to me or things I'll want to reference later. Occasionally other people like these posts, hence "Shared Interests".
What might you find here?
- Problems I've solved (mostly computer- or network related).
- Recipes and cooking-related posts.
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- Our remodeling experience.
- Local (Sacramento) information.
- Anything that strikes my fancy.
Tag Archives: apple
Xserve disk mirror repair
Looking over the last few posts, I seem to be stuck in a rut. I apologize to readers looking for stories about our remodeling project, progress on Barb’s quilt shop, cooking, or other tales of home. Believe me when I … Continue reading
Posted in Mac OS X, Uncategorized
Tagged apple, diskutil, diskutility, disk_mirror, iostat, RAID, repairmirror, sysadmin, xserve
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Apple “enchiladas”
A few months ago we hosted a family gathering/dinner in our new kitchen. (Yes, a dozen of us spent pretty much the whole evening in or around the kitchen.) We were having El Paso-style enchiladas for dinner, and Barb wanted … Continue reading
Bonjour rocks!
Installing a network printer with Bonjour is dead-simple, even on a Windows box. Continue reading
Posted in Uncategorized
Tagged airport_express, apple, bonjour, how-to, printer, windows
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#&*$%@! iPod update
I just updated my iPod and now I can’t use it until I hook up the wall charger. WTF? Continue reading
Sudden increase in Apple laptop failures…
Has anybody else noticed a sudden increase in the rate of failures of “obsolete” PowerBooks? Thanks for the laugh, Jason!
My laptop is back!
Woo hoo! SantaDHL came by yesterday and I got my PowerBook G4 back from Apple! In fact, I’m posting from it right now. I’m a bit busy preparing for Christmas to spend much time on recovering all my files, settings, … Continue reading
The continuing PowerBook saga
My laptop has been dead for nearly 3 months! Why does every step of this process seem to trip me up? Continue reading