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Tag Archives: humor
LHC rap!
Andy pointed me to a pretty amusing video: the [LHC (Large Hadron Collider) rap][lhc rap]. If your favorite [FoxTrot][] character is Jason, you’ll probably love this! [lhc rap]: http://link.brightcove.com/services/link/bcpid1452197391/bclid1453516501/bctid1753815421 [FoxTrot]: http://www.foxtrot.com/ “FoxTrot comic strip online”
Humor and the WSJ article
Remember the highly slanted article in the Wall Street Journal, [Three Martini Renovation](http://sonicchicken.net/blog/wordpress/2007/09/28/wsj-art/)? A lot of people were pretty upset with the author for hoodwinking them into contributing to her preconceived piece. But the timing worked out pretty well–since the … Continue reading
Who doth inhabit the primary?
Oh. My. God! Hat tip to [acetylene][] for this [Elizabethan-flavored “Who’s on first?”](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BaGHVWKrcpQ) I laughed so hard I almost threw up! [acetylene]: http://www.acetylene.net/
[Andy][] left a hardcopy of the [W.W.G.W.B.D.? flowchart](http://www.wellingtongrey.net/miscellanea/archive/2007-02-18%20–%20what%20would%20george%20w%20bush%20do.html) on my desk the other day. It was so hilarious that I *had* to share it with everybody! [Andy]: http://warboss.wordpress.com/
Store Wars
This is hilarious! [Store Wars](http://www.storewars.org/flash/) Thanks for the reminder, Misty!
Bush’s exit strategy
I saw a [great bumper sticker][] yesterday: > At least in Vietnam, Bush had an exit strategy Back in the 60’s and 70’s, joining the National Guard was the “honorable” way to keep your privileged butt from being sent into … Continue reading
Wil, you crack me up!
Wil Shipley writes some interesting stuff in [his blog](http://wilshipley.com/blog/index.html “Wil Shipley’s blog, ‘Call Me Fishmeal’”), but something in [this post](http://wilshipley.com/blog/2007/01/ad-nauseam.html) just cracked me up: Google employees are the Kobe Beef of computer programmers (because Google is made up of a … Continue reading
Joint Chiefs object to dissent
Apparently the Joint Chiefs of Staff object to this cartoon: Perhaps they didn’t bother to read the name on the end of the bed, “U.S. ARMY”. Obviously this isn’t intended to represent a maimed veteran; rather, it’s a reflection on … Continue reading
Superbowl #40
Normally I couldn’t care less about major media sport events. The only reason I know the date of the Superbowl is: It’s the best day to go skiing (because everybody’s in the lodge watching the game, the slopes are practically … Continue reading
This is SO bad…
If large-breasted women work at Hooters, where do one-legged women work? (Click on “more…” for the punchline.)