Is Harry a horcrux?

If you haven’t finished reading Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince yet, don’t read this post!

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Book #6 (around page 506, American 1st edition) leads us to believe that there are 7 horcruxes:

  1. Voldemort/Tom Riddle himself
  2. Tom Riddle’s diary (destroyed by Harry in HP and the Chamber of Secrets)
  3. Slytherin’s/Marvolo’s ring (destroyed by Dumbledore)
  4. Slytherin’s/Marvolo’s locket (possibly at the Black mansion)
  5. Hufflepuff’s cup (possibly destroyed by “RAB”, Sirius’ brother Regulus?)
  6. Nagini? Something of Ravenclaw’s?
  7. Gryffindor’s sword? The sorting hat? Harry? (See below)

Okay, so now for the arguments in favor and against Harry being a horcrux.

  • Harry is a horcrux because:
    • He’s a parselmouth
    • Mental/telepathic connection to Voldemort
    • The Sorting Hat wanted to place Harry in Slytherin house
    • Dumbledore said Voldemort tended to use important/symbolic murders for horcrux generation. Harry’s murder would certainly qualify because of the prophecy, but obviously Voldemort couldn’t kill Harry with the intention of using the victim as a horcrux. Could Voldemort have been preparing to create a horcrux from Harry’s murder, then accidentally caused Harry to become the horcrux?
    • The wording of the prophecy could indicate that Harry is a horcrux
  • Harry isn’t a horcrux because:
    • Voldemort would need to have turned Harry into his horcrux. Why would he do this when he is planning to kill Harry? Whose murder would have “finished” the spell–Lily’s?
    • Dumbledore indicated that Riddle/Voldemort would probably have wanted to use artifacts of the 4 founders, plus the diary (a known (?) horcrux) and Voldemort himself (the final piece of Riddle’s/Voldemort’s soul). For Harry to be the 7th horcrux, Voldemort would have to use only one of the two Slytherin artifacts. I find this unlikely, because Riddle found Slytherin’s locket at the same time that he found Hufflepuff’s cup, and also because of the difficulties of Harry being used as a horcrux.

About Jim Vanderveen

I'm a bit of a Renaissance man, with far too many hobbies for my free time! But more important than any hobby is my family. My proudest accomplishment has been raising some great kids! And somehow convincing my wife to put up with me since 1988. ;)
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22 Responses to Is Harry a horcrux?

  1. jim says:

    Just “no”?!? I’m not taking a poll here! 😉

    How come you think he’s not a horcrux? (Personally I tend to agree with you.)

  2. jim says:

    Wikipedia has an interesting article concerning horcruxes. I notice that it indicates Marvolo’s locket was hidden in the underwater cave, which I believe is incorrect–Hufflepuff’s cup was the item in the cave, as I remember it.

  3. Dan says:

    I think He is a Horcrux, or more accuratly his scar is.

    A horcrux leaves a portion of his soul behind in an object. By the suggestion that Nagini is a horcrux they show that it can be a living object, but it is also not recommended. So far, there has not been much explanation as to how the Horcrux spell works. Is it something that has to be prepared over a period of time or could it be performed by a small flick of the wrist like Voldemort did in Dumbledor’s office?

    I would think that in order to tear a soul once, any murder would do that. But for repeated tearing the murder would have to be more substantial. My theory was that he could not find anyone significant enough to tear his soul the sixth time. When he heard about the prophecy he felt that killing the child would allow him to create the final Horcrux. But something went wrong. Perhaps the attempt to kill Harry split his soul, but the spell did not work. Possibly as the spell backfired and Voldemort was being killed a part of his soul was trapped in the magic that gave Harry his scar. If Harry is a Horcrux, it was not intentionally. It is also possible that Harry is in fact the EIGTH Horcrux. Seven was the desired number, but there was nothing to confirm that he could not have made more. Unlikly, but possible.

    It is also worth pointing out that all connections Harry has to Voldemort seem to revolve around his scar. Every time he was connected to him, his scar hurt. So in order to kill Voldemort either a) his scar will be removed or b) Harry will have to die (and probably be revived by Snape).

    And in reaction to your comment from yesterday, the locket was the Horcrux hidden in the cave. The goblet they used was not the Hufflepuff cup. The locket also turned out to be fake and held a note from R.A.B.

  4. Angelcat says:

    I don’t think Voldemort INTENDED to make Harry a horcrux, but I think he did the necessary spellwork before going to attack Harry, and the horcrux became the curse scar. That’s why Voldemort wants to kill Harry himself, because he wants the bit of his soul transferring into something else. Fits with the prophecy. I think Voldemort only realised Harry was a horcrux after OOTP, when he realised Harry was getting an insight into his thoughts through it.
    I may be wrong but has Harry ever ‘seen’ a bit of Voldemorts life when Nagini wasn’t present? Further suggestion that it is the horcrux part of him that is giving him the insight… Dumbledore indicates that the horcrux in Nagini is what gives him such control over her.
    More to come, when I’m not meant to be at work 🙂

  5. Angelcat says:

    Sorry to post twice in quick succession but in response to the penutimate post to mine, I don’t think a second murder would have to be more severe- Murder is an act that would rip the soul each time it is comitted, it just would not have the same effect on the concience. It is still an act that would tear your soul in two as it is one of such horror and viciousness.

  6. Eliope says:

    Harry could be a horcrux, that’d be an interesting theory and would certainly lead to a thrilling seventh book. BUT, if it is a Horcrux, then would have Voldemort tried to kill Harry twice already ?

  7. lwg says:

    if you pay attention closely it is indicated that voldemort wants harry alive. in the end of the 6th book snape says “remember what the dark lord says dont hurt the boy” he is referring to harry when someone is sending jinxes at him. and who knows if voldemort ever tried to kill harry. voldemort probably could kill harry if he wanted to, but he doesnt want anyone to think that harry is a horcrux, because then voldemort will be easier to kill.

  8. cheesemanhamcheese says:

    Harry is not a horcrux. The reason he survived the curse is because of his mother dying for him, not some stupid ass horcrux crap. your a chode.

  9. jim says:

    Thank you for your thoughtful, well-argued comment. Your persuasive skills are exceeded only by your command of the English language.

    Personally I agree with you re Harry not being a horcrux. I believe that Voldemort gave the order that Harry not be harmed because he wishes to deal with Harry himself. How would it look if somebody else was able to defeat Harry when Voldemort has already failed to kill him twice?

  10. weed says:

    From the minute I have read HP I thought of Harry beeing the Horcrux and now Im staying in front of others who think just that. Or dont they? Well im not forming an opinion im just weed…

  11. Anyone says:

    I only have one thing against Harry being a horcrux. Wasn’t it in the fifth book when Riddle
    (Voldemort) “possesed” Harry and ended up causing himself mortal danger. I can remember Albus
    talking to Harry in the end of the book about that. So using this information, if Riddle had
    tried to use Harry wouldn’t that part of his soul have been destroyed? P.S I know I can’t spell.

  12. jim says:

    I found some information on one of the potential horcruxes on JK Rowling’s website. She’s labeled it “SPOILER WARNING”, so I am to. I assume this may have something to do with book 7. If you wish to disregard JRK’s spoiler warning, follow this link.

  13. Danny says:

    I was watching HArry Potter today and after thinking about it and re-reading the last 2 books i think that Voldemorte planned to make Harry a horcrux but for some unknown reason that will come to light in book 7.

  14. hermioneweasley says:

    I think Harry is a horcrux because of the following reasons:

    – if Nagini is a horcrux then another living thing can be a horcurx too, in this case, Harry.
    – Voldermort intended for Nagini to be a horcrux and therefore can control her. I think Voldermort does not know about Harry being his horcrux and will not know until book 7. Voldermort fully intended to make one of Griffendors things a horcrux but his curse on Harry backfired before he could do that.
    – Only a true Gryffindor can pull the sword out of the hat (Book 2) and by Harry being a horcrux, Voldermorts goal is accomplished
    – Harry does not have to die even if Voldermorts horcrux is destroyed because this was never part of his soul anyway and was simply appended when he was one.

  15. roxygirl says:

    hi. i think i have solid evidence that harry is a horcrux. in harry potter and the chamber of secrets, when harry is having a conversation with dumbledore about why the sorting hat wanted to put him into slytherin, and why he posesses some of voldemort’s traits and qualities, dumbledore says to harry ” that night, voldemort put a small part of himself into you.” i cant believe no1 else has spotted this!!!

  16. qtmanatee says:

    Lots of people have spotted it. They just dont want to talk about it because they know or “feel” that this evidence of Harry being a Horcrux is probably true and it makes them sad to know that Harry has to die. I dont care either way if he dies-I just think its cool that Voldemort is a genius. I mean, I dont like him cuz he is a bad guy and all but he knew what he was doing and is totally smart and if the rumors are true of JKR killing off Harry-then that would be the obvious way to do it!

  17. Sir James says:

    I feel that Harry is a horcrux, it seems to me that the only way that the series can end. firstly
    the prophecy states about the chosen one being Voldemort’s equal, and that neither can truly live
    while the other is alive. I feel that once all the horcruxs are destroyed, Harry, it will turn out
    to be a muggle or a squib. I feel this is the only way for Harry to live after book seven, without the need
    or ability to fully continue in the Magical world.

  18. bobo says:

    i think that he is…. if u think of it as the opposite of exponential growth (exponential reduction??) every time voldemort creates a horcrux, he becomes smaller each time, in this table, i will show how much of original voldemort there would b left if he created 6 horcruxes (the seventh being himself)
    1- 50%
    2- 25%
    3- 12.5%
    4- 6.75%
    5- 3.125%
    6- 1.5625%

    through the creation of the final horcrux, physical voldemort would hardly have anything else left, which would result in the severe
    caused to himself…. either that, or harry is (or was supposed to be) and eighth horcrux, because voldemort theorised that it would be easier to let the person kill themselves so as to kill him…. this was of course before harry started actively searching for voldemort, so v would not no.

  19. Ryder says:

    Honestly it seems unlikely that Harry could be a horcrux being that Voldemort was not able to touch harry before he was brought back with Harry’s blood. If part of his soul was in fact in Harry touching him would not have been a problem. My own theory would be that Harry was being made a horcrux Voldemort using James’ death and during the process Lily’s sacrifice had stopped the spell from being completed, which left the intended horcrux being broken open, hence the scar and not allowing the soul to enter which also being as powerful a spell as it is an interruption would cause the backfire that left Voldemort in the state that he was in, and explains why Harry has some link to Voldemort be that part of him may have been in Harry for a short while. The scar being the so called broken open part of the remains of a destroyed horcrux. So it wasnt the death curse that harry survived but the horcrux spell. Of course this is just my own attempt at a theory.

  20. frank says:

    for this comment assume harry is a horcux if any you have heard the theory harry is a horcux the you will understand these clues linking harry and lord v go to at for more info on that but that not my theroy i think when the propecy says one will have to die if harry is a horcux he said he would find all horcux and destroy them he is one but in the end of ootp dumerdoor[ sorry can’t spell write]says neville could be the chosen one then tells harry he can’t but in ootp in the department of mysterys neville finds the propecy first. maybe neville must kill harry in the end to kill lord v i think dumbldoor told harry he was the chosen one to not scare him with being a horcux himself and make him destroy the other

  21. Abbye Spencer says:

    I completely believe Harry is a horcrux because I don’t think Voldemort knew enough or any of the prophecy to realize that he had to kill Harry. And as Dumbledore said, prophecies don’t necessarily come true. I think Voldemort came to Godric’s Hollow, to make Harry his final horcrux. After all, Harry is believed to be a direct descendent of Griffindor. Voldemort wanted something from all four houses. Voldemort just had to kill Lily and James so there wouldn’t be any witnesses. Nobody really knows what happened that night and if Voldemort really told Lily to step aside or not. I believe that when he made Harry his horcrux he unintentially made himself weaker. No other wizard had ripped his soul into pieces seven times before, so maybe at a certain numberr of times, you are left with almost no soul. I think that Voldemort needed Harry’s blood at the graveyard scene, not because he was an enemy (of which Voldemort has plenty,) but because it would give him a little bit more of his soul back. I believe the horcruxes are as follows:
    1- Voldemort, himself
    2- Nagini/something of Ravenclaws
    3- Hufflepuff’s cup
    4- The locket
    5- The diary
    6- The ring
    7- Harry

    Will Harry have to kill himself in order ro kill Voldemort? Maybe so. He might destroy Voldemort’s body somehow and then have Ron or Hermione kill him, so Voldemort would be completely destroyed. 9 more days, so we’ll find out soon.

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