Caroline arrives next week!

[Caroline][]’s flight is scheduled to arrive next Friday evening at 19:53, and we’re all pretty excited. It’s almost like Christmas, except it’ll last three weeks!

Several people have been asking us about hosting, how we found out about this, etc. Our daughters took/are taking French at [Rio Americano][Rio]. Their teachers, [M.][] Hodgins and [Mme.][] Murray, are both involved with the [VIE][] exchange program. M. Hodgins organizes the biannual trip to France, while Mme. Murray organizes hosting for French students every year. If any Sacramento-area residents are interested in hosting a French student during the summer (usually 3 weeks in August), contact Mme. Murray–she was only barely able to place all the students this summer, due to a shortage of host families!

[We’ve got some trips planned for Caroline’s visit][plans], although Mme. Murray tells us that some of the most interesting things for the visiting students are (from the host’s perspective) purely mundane: Things like going to the grocery store, making dinner, going to school, etc. (Yes indeed, Caroline gets to spend the final week of her visit going to Rio Americano with Caitlin. We’ll have to come up with some fun things to do in the evening to make up for that!)

If it stays on schedule, Caroline’s flight will arrive in six and a half days. Well… 6 days, 11 hours and 56 minutes, but who’s counting? šŸ˜‰

[Rio]: “Rio Americano High School”
[M.]: “Monsieur”
[Mme.]: “Madame”
[VIE]: “Vistas In Education”

About Jim Vanderveen

I'm a bit of a Renaissance man, with far too many hobbies for my free time! But more important than any hobby is my family. My proudest accomplishment has been raising some great kids! And somehow convincing my wife to put up with me since 1988. ;)
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