I finally upgraded my iPhone 4S to iOS7 the other day, plugged in my charger that night, and started the day with a shiny new OS. But in less than an hour, my battery was dead. WTH?!?
In hindsight, I should have done some research before applying this upgrade. It turns on a *lot* of battery-draining features. The most helpful articles I’ve found so far are:
* [How to increase your iPhone’s battery life on iOS 7](http://gigaom.com/2013/09/28/how-to-increase-your-iphones-battery-life-on-ios-7/)
* [9 Ways To Improve iOS 7’s Battery Life](http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/09/30/ios-7-battery-life_n_4016255.html)
* [Apple’s iPhone battery suggestions](http://www.apple.com/batteries/iphone.html)
The [Ars Technica review of iOS7](http://arstechnica.com/apple/2013/09/ios-7-thoroughly-reviewed) is another good resource, although it’s broader in scope, covering “old” iPhones running the new iOS.
New stuff in iOS7 that I love:
* [Control Center][] — A simple swipe-up on the phone gives me access to individually control all (?) my phone’s radios: cellular, wifi, and bluetooth. I have a couple of bluetooth accessories on my bicycle, so my morning and evening commutes are usually the only time I need to enable bluetooth. Super handy to be able to control it with just a swipe and a tap!
* Control Center (yes, it’s so awesome that it gets multiple entries!) — [Do Not Disturb][DND] now has a manual control, in addition to the scheduled DND setting. I think this will be useful during my infrequent trips to the movie theater. Instead of completely turning off my phone, I’ll turn on do-not-disturb and silence my ringer. This’ll let me receive calls from the (very few) people on my “emergency override” list during the movie.
[Control Center]: http://support.apple.com/kb/HT5858
[DND]: http://support.apple.com/kb/HT5463