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Category Archives: Mac OS X
Viruses and OSX Time Machine
Argh! I did a full scan of my Mac and discovered a virus on the Time Machine volume. I wrote about this a few years ago, and the tweaks to my mail/anti-virus/Time Machine work flow have served me well. But … Continue reading
ISS Above installation via Mac OSX
I recently backed the ISS Above wearable project on Kickstarter, which got me thinking about (and tinkering with) my first ISS Above. What is it? Just a super-cool little widget that you can build on top of a Raspberry Pi … Continue reading
Bad synergy
Mac OS X has some great features, among which are Time Machine (which allows recovery of deleted or overwritten files) and Mail.app. Junk mail filtering means I rarely see spam in my inbox, but I keep “junk” mail in the … Continue reading
Xserve disk mirror repair
Looking over the last few posts, I seem to be stuck in a rut. I apologize to readers looking for stories about our remodeling project, progress on Barb’s quilt shop, cooking, or other tales of home. Believe me when I … Continue reading
Posted in Mac OS X, Uncategorized
Tagged apple, diskutil, diskutility, disk_mirror, iostat, RAID, repairmirror, sysadmin, xserve
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Burning ISO images on a Mac
I burn ISO images on my Mac fairly frequently, but not often enough to have the process committed to memory. In the past I’ve always followed the instructions I found in a macosxhints post. It works, but it has always … Continue reading
Ejecting stubborn Mac OSX disks
I’ve been using a Mac for several years, and I’ve had in intermittent problem: about once or twice a year, a CD-ROM will get “stuck” in the drive. In the past, I’ve only been able to eject the CD by … Continue reading
Delicious Library and boardgames
I’ve been using Delicious Library to catalog our DVD’s, CD’s, and books for almost two years. It’s great for keeping track of your library, especially if you loan your books and such out to your friends–just drag the item being … Continue reading
Difficulty upgrading to Leopard 10.5.1
I upgraded my PowerBook G4 to [OS X “Leopard”](http://www.apple.com/macosx/) yesterday. (Thanks, Kasandra!) Looks pretty cool, but one of the first things it tried to do was auto-update to 10.5.1. The system would present a “You must restart to apply this … Continue reading
Mac OSX Finder: “The volume cannot be found”
I roached some of the folders in the sidebar of Finder. I wasn’t able to repair them, but I was able to remove only the broken sidebar items. Continue reading
SMB file sharing doesn’t support Subversion on Mac OS X
I’ve received several queries about the SMB patch that I mentioned in my [svn-on-osx][] post. Unfortunately, when I went hunting for the patch the second time around, I wasn’t able to find it. But I *was* finally able to solve … Continue reading