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About this blog…
I use this platform to share things that are of interest to me or things I'll want to reference later. Occasionally other people like these posts, hence "Shared Interests".
What might you find here?
- Problems I've solved (mostly computer- or network related).
- Recipes and cooking-related posts.
- Hobbies and projects.
- Our remodeling experience.
- Local (Sacramento) information.
- Anything that strikes my fancy.
Category Archives: Our home remodeling project
Electrical progress
I’ve been spending nearly all of my “free” time working on the wiring. I’ve come to realize the biggest hurdle (for me) with rough electrical: You do all the work on the wiring, yet there’s no outlets to plug into, … Continue reading
Rainwater collection
I’m already reaping the benefits of [houseblogs.net][]. One of the other families mentioned in the WSJ article referenced the story, so I decided to check their blog — Their tagline is “[Humphrey House](http://www.humphrey-house.com/) – Transforming an Arts and Crafts Bungalow … Continue reading
Wall Street Journal article
Jennifer Saranow at the [Wall Street Journal][wsj] has an [article on home-improvement parties](http://tinyurl.com/2s8t5p). (The article will only be available for free for a week, but there’s always [Bug Me Not][] if you don’t feel like registering.) Jennifer has been interviewing … Continue reading
Remodel update, week 24
I’ve been busy working on the wiring lately, so I haven’t posted anything for a while. This turned out to be a good thing, because Don and J Moreno read my last post and hadn’t seen anything new on the … Continue reading
Posted in Our home remodeling project, Uncategorized
Tagged electrical, framing, hvac, plumbing, stucco
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Work on the house, or spend some time on Broadway? Hmm…
Whenever I’m not at work, I’ve been spending almost all my time on the [wiring for our remodel][], but it’s been going pretty slow. (I only have about three hours each evening, and it takes me longer than a professional … Continue reading
Posted in Our home remodeling project, Uncategorized
Tagged avid_reader, electrical, r5_records, tower_theater
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Claire’s visit
Several months ago, Barb signed us up to host a French foreign exchange student. We were hoping to have our [remodeling project](http://sonicchicken.net/remodel) finished before that time came, but unfortunately we were still living in a house under construction when Claire … Continue reading
Posted in Our home remodeling project, Uncategorized
Tagged claire, foreign_exchange, gunthers, monterey, san_francisco, tower_theater
Dodgy network wiring
The network connection at our house is still pretty wonky. 🙁 Some days it’ll work (at least for a few hours), and some days all I see is a flashing red “DSL” light on the modem. It’s put a bit … Continue reading
Busy, busy, busy!
I haven’t been able to blog much lately–too busy with the remodel! I took a “vacation” from my regular job last week so that I could devote all my efforts to the addition. I’ll post more on the project status … Continue reading
Our roof is finished!
Our roof is finished! Bill and his guys came by this morning and got it done in a few hours. I didn’t have time to go up and take a picture of Barb’s shop. There is some extra roofing material … Continue reading
Remodel subcontractors’ business cards
I’d like to recommend some of the great subcontractors that we’ve worked with. Unfortunately, many of them don’t have web sites for me to link to. I’ve got a few business cards in my wallet, and I started scanning those … Continue reading