Apple pie w/ cream cheese

From the movie [What’s Cooking?][wc]


* 1 c flour
* 1/2 c butter
* 8 oz cream cheese
* 1 c sugar
* juice of 1/2 lemon
* 1-2 dashes ground cinnamon
* 6 granny smith apples

Pre-heat oven to 375°.


1. Bring the butter and cream cheese to room temperature.
1. Place the flour, butter and cream cheese into a bowl and hand mix.
1. Divide into two equal portions.
1. Roll out the bottom crust and lay in a pie pan.


1. Peel and wedge the apples.
1. Pour sugar over the apples.
1. Add lemon juice.
1. Sprinkle w/ cinnamon.
1. Hand mix.
1. Pour filling into crust.

Roll the remaining dough and cover the pie.

Bake for 30-40 minutes, until the top is golden.

[wc]: “IMDB entry for ‘What’s Cooking?'”

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I just have to type this:

**President** Obama–YES!!!

I’m still hoping for Democratic gains in the Senate and House, especially in my own district. (California’s 3rd district, where Lungren is facing Vietnam veteran Dr. Bill Durston.)

And let’s not forget a dozen ballot initiatives on the California ballot.

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Voter fraud or defrauding voters?

I don’t watch the Faux News Network, so I was a bit surprised when Sen. McCain suggested that ACORN was committing voter fraud. [Nicholas][], as usual, has a link to the answer: check out the [Voter-Fraud Fraud][vff] article online at [The New Yorker][tny].

Be on the lookout for voter disenfranchisement this election. [Greg Palast][] has some suggestions in [Steal Back Your Vote][sbyv]. (It’s a “donate to download” link, but you can donate any amount.)

[Nicholas]: “Nicholas’ Facebook page”
[Greg Palast]:

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LHC rap!

Andy pointed me to a pretty amusing video: the [LHC (Large Hadron Collider) rap][lhc rap].
If your favorite [FoxTrot][] character is Jason, you’ll probably love this!

[lhc rap]:
[FoxTrot]: “FoxTrot comic strip online”

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I haven’t’ had the chance…

I haven’t’ had the chance to blog since last weekend. So I’m once again doing a Jott blog. We are going to ____ wood and the jelly belly factory with Caroline today. I’ll post pictures of our San Francisco trip tonight or probably more or likely tomorrow. Hope we will have time to get the pictures from today’s trip ____. listen

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No love for Amtrak tonight

(NB: We went to San Francisco on Sunday. I’ll write about the rest of the trip later, but right now I need to vent!)

Coming home from San Francisco yesterday got a bit too adventurous for my tastes. We made it to the Powell Street [BART][] station on time, but the train we had been planning to board was running late. I figured this wouldn’t be a problem, since we had allowed for a missed connection. Our second BART train *was* on time, so we pulled into the Richmond BART/[Amtrak][] station right on schedule. The [Capitol Corridor][] #746 was sitting right next to the BART tracks, separated from us only by a chain link fence. (The BART train was clearly visible to the Amtrak personnel, if they had bothered to look for it.) We had already arranged for Caitlin, the fastest of us, to run down the platform and stairs, under the tracks, and back up onto the Amtrak platform so she could hold the train for us. I’m sure that there is *somebody* on the planet who could have done this faster than Caitlin, but I don’t think any of them were traveling with us last night. Anyway, as you’ve probably guessed, Caitlin’s head was just clearing the top of the stairs when the doors closed and the train pulled out of the station. Nice way to handle a connection, Amtrak!

We had also planned for the possibility of missing this train. The last train of the day, #748, was due in exactly another hour. But I had never been in the Richmond station after dark, and the quantity and “quality” of beggars, weirdos, and other assorted lowlifes was an eye-opener. Also, it was getting chilly and the wind cuts through every bit of that station like a knife. (We had already spent an hour at the same station that morning. Colder, but no zombies out between 07:00-08:00 on Sunday morning.) So I’m stranded on Amtrak’s platform with my wife and three teen-aged girls, and it’s getting colder and darker by the minute. I could deal with being asked for spare change every few minutes, but the lady down in the station area screaming and cursing at her small children pushed my wife and I beyond our limit, and we decided to get out of there however we could.

Fortunately (?), we weren’t the only ones who got stranded by Amtrak. Two small groups of college students had been on the same BART train, heading for Davis via the #746. We approached both groups, a pair of young women and three young Chinese students, and asked if they would care to join us. Strength in numbers! Now instead of three frail groups, we were TEN–Don’t mess with Us! Granted it was two children, four young women, two young non-threatening guys, and a middle-aged couple, but we all felt much safer in each other’s company.

There was a Burger King about 1.5 blocks away, so we headed for it. Our bad luck continued, as they had locked up the Burger King dining room just before we walked up. (After our experience in that part of town, I can hardly blame them for their policy!) There was a grocery store in the same parking lot, and we managed to get in there before they closed. We agreed to meet back at the front of the store in time to walk back to the station, then we split up and bought ourselves some cold supper. We made it back to the station without incident, in plenty of time for the final train.

Two paragraphs back, I wrote “Fortunately (?)”–I think it *was* fortunate that we didn’t make that train, because I’m not at all sure what would have happened to those college students if we *had* made it and they hadn’t. Would they have banded together? Even if they had, would a group of five been enough for a deterrent? Thanks, Amtrak, for giving me some unpleasant mental fodder.

I may take Amtrak at some point in the future, but I don’t think I’ll ever again stop at the Richmond station. I’ll find another way to make the Amtrak/BART transfer, even if I have to walk a few blocks to do it. But I’d *really* like to know what the operator/driver/engineer was thinking when that train pulled out 30 seconds early, leaving 10 paid passengers stranded in a crappy part of town?

[Capitol Corridor]:

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We made it to the Richmond…

We made it to the Richmond Bart Station right on time, but the Bart schedule didn’t say anything on the website about not running until 8 o’clock. So, we’re standing here in the Bart Station in the breeze, it’s 15 feet and very cold while we wait an hour for the first Bart train to San Francisco. listen

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It’s 7:00 in the morning…

It’s 7:00 in the morning and we’re just about to Richmond, California. We’re taking Amtrak down to Richmond and then we’ll take Bart(?) in there in San Francisco already been up for 3 hours, guying(?) the San Francisco VPAD(?). listen

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Caroline’s here!

Caroline arrived about two hours ago, and we promptly whisked her out of the airport and over to Leatherby’s Creamery. She’s pretty exhausted from the trip, so I think we’ll wait until tomorrow to get some pictures.

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Caroline en route

Caroline, our French exchange student this summer, left Paris a little over five hours ago. She should be somewhere over the Atlantic right now. She’s scheduled to arrive in Washington, DC in about three hours. Unfortunately, the final leg of her journey from DC to Sacramento was rescheduled, and her arrival time here won’t be until ~21:30. The good news is that Leatherby’s, (ice cream and sandwich shop where we’re planning to eat after picking up Caroline), is open until midnight on Friday.

We’ve got some fun plans for this weekend, but I’d rather write about them after the fact. Besides, that way I can post pictures to go with the article!

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