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I use this platform to share things that are of interest to me or things I'll want to reference later. Occasionally other people like these posts, hence "Shared Interests".
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Tag Archives: bike
A 20-year-old bike brings new meaning to the phrase “semper fidelis”
Semper fidelis, the Marine’s motto, means “always faithful”. I thought it was appropriate for this post. Read on… Waaay back circa 1985, I was forced to buy a new bicycle when somebody stole my then-current bike. I didn’t own a … Continue reading
One of my co-workers turned me on to the bikejournal web site/application. If you’re a cyclist, it’s well worth your attention! Continue reading
My KHS bike and its goo
My KHS moutain bike, along with some of the gear I added to make my commute more pleasant. Continue reading
Posted in Uncategorized
Tagged alite, bike, cateye, coffee, khs, peak_adventures, planet_bike, sigma, soma
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Gmaps “pedometer” ROCKS!
New features on Gmaps Pedometer, suh-weet! Continue reading
Sizing up a touring bike
I’ve been reading The Complete Book of Long-Distance Cycling by Edmund R. Burke, Ph.D. and Ed Pavelka. If you’re interested in LD riding, (i.e. more than 60 miles/100 km or so), this book has lots of advice. Some of it … Continue reading
Is Sacramento a bike-friendly town?
(NB: I read about Uneasy Rhetoric in today’s Sacramento Bee, and the site turned up when I was searching for Sacramento bicycling information, so I decided to check out the post. I started to leave a comment, but it got … Continue reading
Bike Talk Radio/podcast off the air
One of the oldest bike-related podcasts, Bike Talk Radio, broadcast its final show yesterday. Can we continue Bike Talk as an occasional podcast instead of a radio show? Continue reading
Sacramento Bicycle, Pedestrian & Trails Master Plan
Bike Talk Radio podcast. Sacramento Area Council of Governments (SACOG) Bicycle, Pedestrian, and Trails Master Plan link. SACOG web designer needs to learn basics of search engine operation. Continue reading
Polypropylene Water Bottle
Ever get tired of plastic-tasting water while you’re riding? Continue reading
Google-powered pedometer
This is so cool! A Google-powered pedometer (or, in my case, a bike-o-meter). I can’t believe Joseph hasn’t blogged this already, since he’s the one who told me about this. Once you’ve arrived at the pedometer site, choose your country … Continue reading