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About this blog…
I use this platform to share things that are of interest to me or things I'll want to reference later. Occasionally other people like these posts, hence "Shared Interests".
What might you find here?
- Problems I've solved (mostly computer- or network related).
- Recipes and cooking-related posts.
- Hobbies and projects.
- Our remodeling experience.
- Local (Sacramento) information.
- Anything that strikes my fancy.
Tag Archives: wordpress
Sacramento boardgaming
Nicholas is setting up a new boardgames site for Sacramento-area gamers. (I’m kibbitzing providing helpful advice.) The new site will be based on WordPress, of course. This whole thing was brought about by Meetup’s recent decision to start charging fees … Continue reading
Adding statcounter to WordPress
I’m thinking about using the free statcounter service on my site, but it requires that I add a little bit of javascript to each page. If I was running a single theme, I could probably find all the appropriate </body> … Continue reading
Using WordPress tags? Don’t forget to re-apply the tags patch!
Thanks to Joseph and my blogroll, I saw the WordPress security update. I forgot to re-apply the tags patch from Felix Wong’s tags plugin the first time through. Doh! Thanks for posting this, Joseph.
404 page added to J-blue
I added a 404 page to Mike Little’s journalized theme. It’s nothing fancy, just ripped the content area out of index.php and put some semi-helpful text in its place. This page should work for all of the Journalized themes, and … Continue reading
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Tagged journalized-blue, sonicchicken_blog, theme, wordpress
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Nothing new here, but check out cvntrak.org
Nothing’s been going on here since I’ve been busy hacking up Central Valley NTrak, my model railroad site. It’s now a full WordPress site–all content is managed by WP. I learned a few things about Pages (note the capital “P”) … Continue reading
Other themes that I like
There are about a dozen themes I liked well enough to consider for my blog. They’re listed here, along with what I find attractive (or problematic). Continue reading
“Sharepoint like” theme added
I finally found the Sharepoint theme, but it’s in Greek or Russian or some such. I’ve downloaded it, but have to convert it to English. So much for i18n…
WordPress theme/template info
Denis has a nice little collection of links in this post which explain how to use templates. (I haven’t seen how this applies to themes, but I’m a novice.) Thanks for the post, Denis, it collects all those articles together … Continue reading
New theme(s) installed
Installed some new themes, along with wp_theme_switcher, and hacked on them a bit. Continue reading
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Tagged borderline_chaos, elvgren, hacking, sonicchicken_blog, theme, theme_switcher, wordpress
Why WordPress?
One of the reasons that I chose WordPress for my blog software was because of Joseph’s and Acetylene’s blogs. Now I need to upgrade from my out-of-the-box theme and get something a bit more interesting!