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About this blog…
I use this platform to share things that are of interest to me or things I'll want to reference later. Occasionally other people like these posts, hence "Shared Interests".
What might you find here?
- Problems I've solved (mostly computer- or network related).
- Recipes and cooking-related posts.
- Hobbies and projects.
- Our remodeling experience.
- Local (Sacramento) information.
- Anything that strikes my fancy.
Author Archives: Jim Vanderveen
Caitlin’s first gym meet
Caitlin, my youngest, competed in her first gymnastics competition last weekend (2005-08-27), Judges’ Cup 2005. The meet was hosted by Technique Gymnastics at the CSUS gymnasium, which has no air conditioning. Fortunately the weather wasn’t nearly as hot as it … Continue reading
Marin Quilt Show
On Saturday my wife and I took my mom to the Marin Quilt Show in San Rafael (Marin County), California. One of the highlights of this show (for me) of is the venue–it’s right across the pond from the Marin … Continue reading
Patch “how-to”, patch files fixed
I don’t really do much Unix development, but I’ve recently been learning more due to the care and feeding of my blog. Lately I’ve been figuring out some things about the patch utility, especially creating and applying patches. I found … Continue reading
Upgraded to WordPress 1.5.2, patches [re-]applied
I finally got around to upgrading my WordPress blog software to version 1.5.2 today. I also took this opportunity to apply Kimmo’s entity patch, which takes care of HTML entities ½ and ¾, and probably some others as well. At … Continue reading
Google-powered pedometer
This is so cool! A Google-powered pedometer (or, in my case, a bike-o-meter). I can’t believe Joseph hasn’t blogged this already, since he’s the one who told me about this. Once you’ve arrived at the pedometer site, choose your country … Continue reading
Gaming organizers’ meeting
Most (hopefully all) of the organizers of various Sacramento gaming groups, websites, et cetera, will be getting together for an organizational meeting on Sunday, the 11th at 5:30 PM. Our preferred meeting place, Fox & Goose, is closed on Sunday … Continue reading
Release date for Harry Potter book #7
About three weeks ago, I got together with a few other Harry Potter fans to discuss the story. One of the topics that came up was the release date for the final book. Somebody (don’t remember who, sorry) said that … Continue reading
Displaying (vs executing) PHP code on web pages
While working on an earlier post, I needed to find a way to display a PHP module on a web page without having it executed. I knew this was fairly simple and involved the .phps file extension, but I hadn’t … Continue reading
Footer plugin requirements, notes
Reasons for a statcounter plugin, generalized to “footer” plugin, links to plugin-writing resources. Continue reading
SK2 blocking multiple pingbacks?
Spam Karma 2 rocks! Have I said that already? Well, not in so few words… But I just noticed something. I wrote a post last night with multiple references to my own blog–in this case, I refered to two other … Continue reading