Graywater irrigation in Sacramento County? Nein, ist verboten!

I’m remodeling my house which is located in Sacramento County (versus the City of Sacramento–different building departments). One of the things I had been considering was re-using my family’s graywater “waste” for irrigation. Not only would this save fresh water, it would lighten the load on our local wastewater treatment plant. But apparently this is forbidden in Sacramento County. See the FAQ on “Does laundry/wash/bathing waste water (grey water (sic)) need to be plumbed into my septic system?” for their justification.

In neighboring Sutter County, not only is graywater irrigation allowed, it’s encouraged! See the Sutter County General Plan, page 55:

4.A-3 The County shall encourage water conservation practices, including drought-resistant landscaping, drip irrigation systems and the use of “graywater” for landscaping irrigation.

(Note that Sutter County uses the more common “graywater” spelling, while Sacramento County uses the “grey water” variant. I realize that “gray” and “grey” are both considered correct spelling, but let’s standardize on “graywater”. We’re not talking about water that is gray in color, which is what “gray water” implies, and “grey” is listed in my dictionary as British spelling so that rules out “greywater”. My thanks to Sutter and Sacramento counties for providing me with an excuse to put all four spelling variants in this article–it’ll turn up on web searches for any of these four spellings now!)

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Ethical spammers?!?

This morning I read an interesting post on wherein he describes putting his Gmail account on the sacrificial alter of the spam demons by clicking the “unsubscribe” link in every spam he received. Surprisingly, this worked! From the numbers published, it looks like his spam harvest has dropped by about 97%. Quite an accomplishment, if it continues to hold.

But the article got me thinking–wouldn’t it be awesome if there was a list of ethical spammers, i.e. ones which provided “unsubscribe” links which actually did what they purport? I have in mind something like an inverse RBL, perhaps a “realtime white list” or something similar. I don’t know how such a system might work, or even if it’s possible. But wouldn’t it be cool if your spam filter could automagically follow Unsubscribe links if they appeared on the RWL?

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New ping service is live!

Several weeks ago I mentioned a new ping service that I’ve been using for my blog, but I wasn’t able to give details since it was experimental. Well, the cat is now out of the bag!

PingQueue is Joseph’s recently-announced ping service. Details of this service are available via the links in this entry. But in a nutshell, the advantage of this service is that ping requests are queued up–this sounds like a disadvantage, but the response time for adding a request to the queue is much faster than synchronously pinging multiple services.

Check it out! I’ve been using this service for the last 1.5 months or so, and I’ve been very happy with it.

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Halloween–Sacramento vs Galt

My family had lived in Galt (California) from 1992 until May of 2005, so this was my first Halloween back in Sacramento since 1991. It was a bit of a change, mostly for the better.

We weren’t sure how many kids to expect, but our neighbors informed us that usually about 3 bags of candy would do the trick. We live in an older suburban neighborhood, with no street lights or sidewalks. The houses are relatively far apart and set back from the steet about twice as far as modern suburbs. I’m sure these factors dampen the trick-or-treat spirit quite a bit, but it’s also a fairly affluent area: the candy-greed factor seems to have balanced out the inconvenience of relatively long walks between doorbells, since we got a lot more kids than I would have expected given the layout of the street.

Contrast this with the two Galt subdivisions we lived in: well-lighted streets, sidewalks (narrow, but present), houses closer together and much closer to the street. Add in the fact of a much higher proportion of homes with children in Galt compared to our neighborhood in Sacramento, and you’ll realize that we were accustomed to being innundated with trick-or-treaters on Halloween. It was always a pleasure seeing the little kids in costume, but later in the evening when the high school kids started showing up in their lame or non-existent costumes we would turn them away claiming that we had run out of candy. Oh, how I wish we had thought of handing out potted meat when we lived in Galt!

We didn’t get very many high school kids ringing our doorbell in Sacramento this year, and those who did were at least in costume. Perhaps next year I’ll offer to hand out “candy” at Becky’s house if she’s still living in Galt. I’ve got a whole year to watch for a sale on potted meat!

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Three surgeons

Three surgeons were playing golf together and bragging about surgeries they had performed. One of them said, “I’m the best surgeon in Texas. A concert pianist lost 7 fingers in an accident. I reattached them, and 8 months later she performed a private concert for the Queen of England.”

The second one said, “That’s nothing. A young man lost both arms and legs in an accident. I re-attached them and 2 years later he won a gold medal in field events in the Olympics.”

The third surgeon said, “You guys are amateurs. Several years ago a cowboy who was high on cocaine and alcohol rode a horse head-on into a train traveling 80 miles an hour. All I had left to work with was the horse’s ass and a cowboy hat. Now he’s president of the United States.”

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Air America back in Sac!

A few weeks ago I was rudely awakened when KSAC 1240 AM dropped Air America‘s programming. But thankfully this week Air America is back on the Sacramento airwaves on KCTC 1320 AM, a stronger and purportedly better-managed station. I don’t know how much AAR programming they will be broadcasting, but I do know that Mark & Marc were on this morning!

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Polypropylene Water Bottle

Ever get tired of plastic-tasting water while you’re biking? Soma Fabrications has just the thing for you: A polypropylene water bottle!

SomaFab polypropylene water bottle

These are available online from Soma, or you may be able to find a local retail outlet. The dealer locater could be a lot easier to use, e.g. enter a ZIP code and find the nearest store(s). Also, just because a dealer is listed doesn’t mean that they carry every Soma product — make sure to call and check availability before you cruise to the store.

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Spoiler rules and etiquette

Over on, Michael wrote about spoiler rules after a lunchtime discussion on the etiquette of spoilers. A variety of opinions were expressed in person as well as on blog commentary. I don’t think it’s reasonable to attempt a general spoiler rule, because there are so many variables to the situation — Books versus films, conversation (f2f or on-line) versus posting, genre (Michael’s “action vs whodunit” is a perfect example), familiarity with your friends’ reading/viewing habits, etc. I guess this places me in the “No blanket policy” camp.

The thing that really interests me about this topic is how the spoiler attitude breaks down viz a viz people with/without kids. I’ve got two children, and I’m not going to take them to every movie I want to watch. A current film featuring cannibalism comes to mind. I’ll probably see this on the big screen, but it’ll take me a while to get around to it. (I’m a parent, and parents are either very busy raising their kids, or they’re not very good parents imo.) In the meantime, I’d appreciate it if people would give me a “heads up” if they’re going to discuss current/recent movies so I have a chance to avoid hearing any spoilers.

If you have a comment on spoiler etiquette, feel free to post it here (especially if you have a parent/non-parent viewpoint) or on the original cruftbox post.

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What’s the “Terror Alert Level” currently?

I used to think that Gee Dubya’s “Terror Alert Level” was completely worthless, but now I’ve discovered that it does indeed have its uses — parody and satire!

Current Terror Alert Level:
Terror Alert Level

I think this neatly skewers the fearmongering basis of the pile-of-crap Terror Alert Level. Honestly, if all you are told is that Terror Level is “orange” what in God’s name are you supposed to do? Stay home with your children and panic? Go to work and panic? Wake up, people!

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Statcounter on my WordPress blog

statcounter graph of pageloads, unique visitors, and returning visitors

A few months ago I wrote about using Statcounter on a WordPress blog. I had originally hoped to find a plugin to help with this, but in the end I had to roll my own “plugin” to get the job done.

I’ve been using Statcounter to collect data on the usage of my blog/website for a little over a month now. It’s an awesome tool! The graph at the top of this article shows the number of pageloads (green), unique visitors (blue) and returning visitors (orange) over the last month or so. I had no idea this many folks were reading this crap. Get a life, people! 😉 Seriously, though… The traffic image above is just a nice graphic. The real value of Statcounter is the analysis tools they provide for your visitor log. My favorites are the “Popular Pages” and “Keyword Analysis” tools. Popular Pages shows your most-frequently accessed pages, duh. Keyword Analysis shows the search engine keywords that people are using to find your site and most importantly what pages they’re choosing to view.

In fact, the reason for this post is an analysis I ran this morning. A fair number of people are searching for “statcounter wordpress” and landing on one or the other of the two pages I mentioned in the first paragraph of this article. Further analysis of the Visitor Paths (another handy tool) shows that many of those people aren’t finding both of those articles. I’m hoping that this article will get a slightly higher page rank than the other two, and search engine users will more easily find the information they’re looking for.

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