CSUS “housing village” project

There’s a (potentially) very interesting project developing at CSUS — a housing village which is going to be built on Ramona Avenue (across the freeway from the campus). I will probably not be able to take advantage of this myself, since I just bought a house in Sacramento about six months ago, so perhaps my input is less important than other people’s. But some features and design goals I’d like to see include:

  • Mixed-use development, i.e. 2- or 3-story buildings with retail on the ground floor and apartments above. You want to go out for coffee? Walk downstairs, go down to the corner, and into the neighborhood coffee shop (or restaurant or video store or whatever).
  • Transit- and pedestrian-oriented layout. People don’t need to abandon their vehicles, but at least don’t force people to use their cars for every trip they have to make!
  • Good integration with the campus. This will be very difficult and/or expensive with the freeway, light rail, Union Pacific RR, Folsom Boulevard and Power Inn/Howe to contend with.

Some useful resources for this project include:

  1. Jane Jacobs’ Death and Life of Great American Cities. Published in 1961, this is still the bible of vibrant urban planning.
  2. Denver’s Transit Oriented Development page has some good points, although it has an irritating graphic which makes the page “jump” every few seconds. (Possibly this could be stopped by turning off graphics or disabling JavaScript?)
  3. Andres Duany’s The Traditional Neighborhood and Suburban Sprawl provides a good analysis of why suburbs turn out the way they do.
  4. Transit Oriented Development, from the Victoria’s TDM Encyclopedia.
  5. 13 points of pedstrian-oriented planning has many good points, but be sure to leaven this overly-concise list with a good understanding of Jacobs’ book.

Also see the survey results page.

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CSUS housing survey results not viewable

Update: My thoughts on the housing village project are in another post.

CSUS recently did a survey and published the results on the web. Very commendable so far. But somebody apparently tried to work around browser incompatibilities by making a simplifying assumption: that the only web browsers in use today are Netscape and everything else (which can only mean you’re running Internet Explorer):

if (navigator.appName == "Netscape")
	Netscape-specific settings here.
	IE-specific settings here.

Several people who were interested in the results of this survey are not using Netscape or IE, and their requests for browser-neutral access to the results have not been answered. One person also pointed out that the interface doesn’t follow web accessibility guidelines. I’m not up-to-speed on WAI, so I can’t take care of that. But I can make the results pages available. Each link below leads to one of the survey results pages. Enjoy!

Please remember the cardinal rule of the web: Write your pages to be viewed by any browser!

  1. Classification
  2. Status
  3. Timebase
  4. How many years have you been employed by the University/Auxiliary?
  5. What is your age?
  6. # Adults
  7. # Children
  8. What is the gross annual income of your household?
  9. How many people contribute to the gross annual income of your household?
  10. Do you currently own or rent?
  11. Please estimate what your current mortgage, insurance, and property tax payments total per month.
  12. If you RENT your home, what is your monthly RENT payment – without utilities costs?
  13. What type of housing do you currently live in?
  14. How many bedrooms are in your home?
  15. How many bathrooms are in your home?
  16. Current Size
  17. Do you have a member of your household with a disability that affects the type of housing choices you make?
  18. What is the distance from your home to the campus?
  19. What is your primary mode of transportation from your home to the campus?
  20. What would you estimate your commute time to be on average – one way – from your home to the campus?
  21. How satisfied are you with your current housing situation?
  22. Please check any of the following concerns that contribute to a dissatisfaction with your current housing situation.
  23. Have you ever considered leaving the University because of housing issues?
  24. First Choice in Housing
  25. Second Housing Choice
  26. Rent/Own
  27. # Bedrooms
  28. # Baths
  29. Desired Size
  30. Affordability
  31. Porch
  32. Patio
  33. Yard
  34. Garage
  35. Storage
  36. Modern Appliances
  37. Security System
  38. Energy Efficient
  39. Internet/Wireless
  40. Cable/Satellite
  41. Community Garden
  42. Parks
  43. K – 8 Charter School
  44. Childcare Center
  45. High Tech Center
  46. Fitness Center
  47. Entertainment Venues
  48. Pool/Jacuzzi
  49. Recreation
  50. Restaurants
  51. Community Center
  52. Retail Shops
  53. Affordability
  54. Proximity to Campus
  55. Access to Light Rail/Transit
  56. University Affiliation/Relationship
  57. Children’s Services
  58. ”Green” Project
  59. Design of Community
  60. Design of Housing
  61. Security/Safety
  62. Pet Friendly
  63. Interest?
  64. Sign Ups
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Check out this cool photo!

High-speed photo of bullet through card

You can find the story behind this photo on the anti-failure blog, also written by a guy named Jim.

He also recommends Gene O’Connell’s Tech Imaging, although I haven’t visited there yet.

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The silencing of Daniel

Veterans’ Day 2005 — God bless all of our soldiers, sailors, Marines (oo-rah!) and air[wo]men in harm’s way, and piss on all the chickenhawks who didn’t have the balls to serve their country when called upon! Bush, Cheney, Libby, Rumsfeld, Rove, Wolfowitz, et al.

I haven’t been checking my blogroll very thoroughly of late, so I was astounded to see a 3-week-old post from Daniel “All the King’s Horses” Goetz was terminating his blog. I can’t even link to it, since his blog has been shut down entirely. Thank God for caching! I have included Daniel’s final post, “Double Plus Ungood,” at the bottom of this entry. Daniel’s girlfriend/fiancee (I’m not quite sure which) also has a backup of Daniel’s entire blog. One of my earliest posts was a link to his “Club Fed,” a brilliant piece of satire. The link no longer works, so I’ve updated the post with a copy of the original, although I think I lost some of the formatting.

For those who are unfamiliar with the phrase “double plus ungood,” (a frightfully large number of people), it’s taken from George Orwell’s 1984. If you haven’t read it already, buy a copy or check it out from your local library. If you have read it, do something about this denial of Daniel’s First Amendment rights!

Double Plus Ungood
By Daniel

I thank all of you who have been so supportive recently. I have never before received so much positive feedback, and it was very heart-warming to know that so many people out there care. Having said that, it breaks my heart to say that this will be my last post on this blog. I wish I could just stop there, but I can not. The following also needs to be said:

For the record, I am officially a supporter of the administration and of her policies. I am a proponent for the war against terror and I believe in the mission in Iraq. I understand my role in that mission, and I accept it. I understand that I signed the contract which makes stop loss legal, and I retract any statements I made in the past that contradict this one. Furthermore, I have the utmost confidence in the leadership of my chain of command, including (but not limited to) the president George Bush and the honorable secretary of defense Rumsfeld. If I have ever written anything on this site or on others that lead the reader to believe otherwise, please consider this a full and complete retraction.

I apologize for any misunderstandings that might understandably arise from this. Should you continue to have questions, please feel free to contact me through e-mail . I promise to respond personally to each, but it may take some time; my internet access has become restricted.

Support our troops--Bring them home!

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Customer backlash at Van Zant over Sony’s disreputable business practices

It’s unfortunate that the Van Zant brothers are suffering the fallout caused by Sony’s shortsighted DRM rootkit. Take a look at the customer rating of their “CD” Get Right with the Man:
5 stars: 17 / 198 (9%)
4 stars: 1 / 198 (½%)
3 stars: 1 / 198 (½%)
2 stars: 5 / 198 (3%)
1 star: 174 / 198 (88%)

Many of the recent reviews of the disc take Sony to task for forcing users to install a rootkit. In response, some comments claim that it’s inappropriate to slam Van Zant: “Voice your objections against SONY not against the Van Zant brothers!!!” (reviewer M. Mize of Fort Lauderdale, FL). I hate to be the one to tell M. Mize, but hitting Sony on their bottom line is probably the most effective way to criticize them. (All this negative publicity isn’t doing them any good either.) This is also going to affect Van Zant, but not nearly as much as you might think — of the $15-20 spent on each “CD” I’d be surprised if they get as much as $1.00 of it. (By the way, I keep quoting “CD” on purpose. It doesn’t conform to the audio CD standard, so it shouldn’t be labeled with the CD logo.)

Of course, Van Zant could publicly denounce Sony’s shady business practices. If they did this, I’m pretty sure that they would come out of this debacle with a vastly enhanced reputation, at least among those of us who are offended by Sony’s actions.

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Removing Sony DRM rootkit

After a little digging, I found an article on malwarehelp.org that gives a brief description of First4DRM (the rootkit that Sony/BMG audio CD’s have been surreptitiously installing on unsuspecting users of Windows computers). The malwarehelp article also links to removal instructions. I haven’t tested the removal tool or manual instructions, so caveat emptor! Let me know about your experience if you are unfortunate enough to get hit with this.

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Handy malware-removal site

I was looking at some of the blogs using the new PingQueue service, and I came across an interesting malware removal/information site. Looks like they post pretty frequently, which is probably a requirement given the amount of malware created on a daily basis. 🙁

A recent post shows that malware is already exploiting Sony/BMG’s evil DRM rootkit. Thanks, Sony, for making it even more difficult to secure my computers.

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California special election: Arnold takes a beating

The Governator put his political life on the line in the lead-up to yesterday’s special election. Unfortunately for him, every one of his propositions was defeated. (Arnold was pushing Props. 74, 75, 76, and 77.)

There’s been much talk that the Governor veered hard to the conservative side in this election (mostly by liberals), and nearly as much talk about how the Guv is a centrist (mostly by conservatives). Consider that three initiatives (74, 75, & 76) are targeting public employees (traditionally Democratic), while Prop. 77 is politically neutral — I have to wonder how this stance could be interpreted as anything other than pro-Republican.

On the non-existant chance that the Governor wants my advice, I offer the following:

  1. Nobody trusts a hypocrite. Back when you were running for Governor, you claimed to be immune from special interest money because you already had plenty of cash. You unseated former Gov. “Pay to Play” Davis by (justly) going after his fundraising, but now you make him look like an amateur!
  2. Next time, if you want to appear centrist, make a point of backing some liberal initiatives (e.g. pro-consumer ones such as 79 and 80 on yesterday’s ballot).
  3. Need an easy fix for California’s perennial budget problem? Simply do away with the 2/3 supermajority needed to pass a budget! A simple majority might err in the other direction, but how about approving the budget if 55% of Legislators pass it? The radical right won’t be happy about this, but see previous point.
  4. Next time you feel like going after a public-employee union, start with the prison guards’ union.
  5. Allowing the Legislature to draw their own districts is foolish, and we all know it. But we need a better plan than Prop. 77 to correct this problem.

An aside: I was on an out-of-state phone call a few days ago, and the person on the other end asked why Californians are so informal that they refer to the Governor by his first name. I told her it was because nobody could spell “Schwarzenegger”

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DiskWarrior wasn’t able to help me

About 1.5 months ago, I had a boot failure on my PowerBook. I’ve tried recovering the hard drive with DiskWarrior several times. In fact, my most recent attempt has lasted over six weeks, which is probably a record for perseverance. But today I’m throwing in the towel. I’m going to the local Apple Store to pick up a replacement HD and start from scratch. 😥

Here’s what I should have done:

  1. Run DW‘s S.M.A.R.T. diagnostics, instead of relying on Apple’s diagnostics.
  2. If the S.M.A.R.T. diagnostics indicate imminent disk failure, abandon DW and try using DataRescue instead.
  3. Finally, most obvious yet oft-forgotten — backups!

My only complaint about DiskWarrior is that I think it should automatically run the S.M.A.R.T. diagnostics and recommend against continuing with DW if the diagnostics indicate disk failure.

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Prof. Felten added to my blogroll

Last week I was going through my blogroll and learned about the Sony rootkit debacle from Joseph’s blog. While digging into this some more, I ran across Prof. Ed Felten’s blog, “Freedom to Tinker.” I remembered Felten’s name from earlier (pre-blog) posts on DeCSS, which I found very insightful, so I immediately added it to my blogroll. Looks like there’s a lot of good reading over there, enjoy!

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