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I use this platform to share things that are of interest to me or things I'll want to reference later. Occasionally other people like these posts, hence "Shared Interests".
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Tag Archives: dessert
Brian’s gingerbread cookie recipe
Brian brought some gingerbread cookies in to the office last week, and they were amazingly tasty! I asked him for the recipe (and permission to publish it here), which he graciously granted. Following typical cookie recipe procedure, here are the … Continue reading
Apple pie w/ cream cheese
From the movie [What’s Cooking?][wc] Ingredients * 1 c flour * 1/2 c butter * 8 oz cream cheese * 1 c sugar * juice of 1/2 lemon * 1-2 dashes ground cinnamon * 6 granny smith apples Pre-heat oven … Continue reading
Apple “enchiladas”
A few months ago we hosted a family gathering/dinner in our new kitchen. (Yes, a dozen of us spent pretty much the whole evening in or around the kitchen.) We were having El Paso-style enchiladas for dinner, and Barb wanted … Continue reading
Coconut creme brule
Hooray! Holly posted the recipe for the dish she was cooking with a blowtorch on Thanksgiving. Sounds like it would warm up the kitchen, a welcome bonus considering that we have no heat right now. 🙁 The coconut creme brule … Continue reading
Chocolate eclair cake
We celebrated our extended family’s November birthdays last weekend, and my mom made this brutally delicious “cake” for dessert. It’s pretty easy and doesn’t take much time to prepare, (although it does have to sit in the refrigerator for several … Continue reading
Blueberry bars
My wife and daughter just made this recipe from “Sacramento Magazine”, July 2005 issue. It was excellent, especially as it was still warm from the oven! Ingredients: – 1/2 c butter, softened – 2 c sugar – 4 eggs – … Continue reading