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About this blog…
I use this platform to share things that are of interest to me or things I'll want to reference later. Occasionally other people like these posts, hence "Shared Interests".
What might you find here?
- Problems I've solved (mostly computer- or network related).
- Recipes and cooking-related posts.
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- Local (Sacramento) information.
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Tag Archives: liberal
[Andy][] left a hardcopy of the [W.W.G.W.B.D.? flowchart](http://www.wellingtongrey.net/miscellanea/archive/2007-02-18%20–%20what%20would%20george%20w%20bush%20do.html) on my desk the other day. It was so hilarious that I *had* to share it with everybody! [Andy]: http://warboss.wordpress.com/
Bush’s exit strategy
I saw a [great bumper sticker][] yesterday: > At least in Vietnam, Bush had an exit strategy Back in the 60’s and 70’s, joining the National Guard was the “honorable” way to keep your privileged butt from being sent into … Continue reading
19 Democratic turncoats
Nineteen of the 43 Democratic senators voted with Republicans to end debate on the nomination of Samual Alito to the Supreme Court. We, the people, will bear the brunt of their lack of spine for years, if not decades, as … Continue reading
AAR schedule on KCTC
KCTC became the Sacramento affiliate for Air America Radio in October 2005. Their broadcast schedule is now available. Continue reading
Looking for terrorist sympathizers? Google knows the answer…
Got a minute to waste and need a good laugh? Continue reading
Air America back in Sac!
After a few weeks’ hiatus, Air America is back on the Sacramento airwaves on a more powerful station! Continue reading
What happened to “Air America Radio” in Sacramento?
“Talk City 1240” is still broadcasting in Sacramento, but it’s no longer Air America Radio. What’s going on?!? Continue reading
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Tagged air_america, liberal, morning_sedition, radio, sacramento
Is the Bee trying to sweep the Downing Street Memo under the rug?
(NB: If you are asked to login or register for the articles at the SacBee site, just go to BugMeNot.) Our local paper, the Sacramento Bee, may be doing its best to bury the Downing Street Memo (DSM) story by … Continue reading
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Tagged bugmenot, downing_street_memo, liberal, media, politics, sacbee
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Turning up the heat on Gee Dubya
The VoteToImpeach/ImpeachBush site has been around since before GW was elected. For some reason, they haven’t been getting much attention from the so-called “liberal media”. But since the Downing Street Memo came to light on 1 May 2005, things have … Continue reading
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Tagged bush, downing_street_memo, impeach, ivins, liberal, media, politics, sacbee
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