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Tag Archives: university_village
University Village survey results in Sac State Bulletin
Today’s Sacramento State Bulletin has an article on the University Village housing survey. Interesting how much emphasis is on the faculty responses, considering they are only about a third of the respondents (196/551). Given that: Staff seemed particularly interested in … Continue reading
65th Street Transit Village
Although not directly related to the University Village (aka Ramona Village), there are some features of the Transit Village transportation plan that might impact the university’s housing village. Continue reading
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Tagged csus, transit-oriented-development, university_village
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CSUS Bulletin article on University Village
I dug up a bit more on the CSUS “housing village” project in the Oct. 24 CSUS Bulletin: University Village planning. Be sure to check out the concept plan — I found the text on the plan difficult to read, … Continue reading
CSUS “housing village” project
An interesting “housing village” project developing at CSUS. Will it be truly pedestrian-oriented, or will they fall into the typical auto-centric traps? Continue reading
CSUS housing survey results not viewable
A web page generated by University Enterprises (formerly the CSUS Foundation) is only viewable by unimpaired users of IE and possibly Netscape. Continue reading