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About this blog…
I use this platform to share things that are of interest to me or things I'll want to reference later. Occasionally other people like these posts, hence "Shared Interests".
What might you find here?
- Problems I've solved (mostly computer- or network related).
- Recipes and cooking-related posts.
- Hobbies and projects.
- Our remodeling experience.
- Local (Sacramento) information.
- Anything that strikes my fancy.
Monthly Archives: June 2007
Happy anniversary, Gil & Mary Ann!
We took a short break from our remodeling project to join our[\*](#2007-06-30_note1) cousins, Gilbert and Mary Ann, in celebration of their [golden anniversary][] on Friday. Sylvia and Heidi flew in from New Mexico, but sadly Steve was stuck up in … Continue reading
Posted in Uncategorized
Tagged celebration, cheese, family, occidental, petaluma, spring_hill_cheese
Quilt shop windows
The windows and sliding glass door were installed on the quilt shop yesterday. I didn’t get to stick around and take pictures of the window installation, since I had to scoot off to work. (In fact, I was walking out … Continue reading
Post-remodel aspirations
Some of the things I’m looking forward to after completion of phase 1 of our remodel. Continue reading
Our roof is covered!
We got most of the roof sheathing tacked in place this weekend. The house looks *much* better now! Continue reading
Remodel project master plan
Our current remodeling job is actually only one phase of the overall project. One of my co-workers asked me about the *rest* of the project, so here is the **Master Plan**: – Phase 0 — Acquisition, planning, property survey, financing. … Continue reading
Posted in Our home remodeling project, Uncategorized
Quilt shop entering the home stretch!
Barb’s quilt shop is just about to enter the “home stretch”. We met with the GC last night and decided it was time to push hard on this aspect of the project because: 1. The quilt shop is a separate … Continue reading
Roof progress
The framing crew is putting the finishing touches on the roof today–fascia and barge rafters! (More photos on the [house fascia photoset](http://www.flickr.com/photos/sonicchicken/sets/72157600413835432/) on Flickr.) They may not finish until tomorrow, but it doesn’t matter too much. We don’t have the … Continue reading
I started up a [Facebook profile](http://csus.facebook.com/profile.php?id=588993384) a few days ago, after [Joseph][] linked to the [Facebook platform wiki](http://joseph.randomnetworks.com/archives/2007/06/12/links-for-sat-2-dec-2000-through-tue-12-jun-2007/). Looks like a less juvenile version of myspace. Let’s hope it stays that way. And please, God, don’t allow people to start … Continue reading
Weekend remodel chores
Well, we got most of our [remodeling chores](http://sonicchicken.net/blog/wordpress/2007/06/15/fathers-day-2007/) done this weekend. The range hood is here, the shower/tub wall is fixed. The gables on the quilt shop are almost done–we’ve left a 4-foot section in the middle of each gable, … Continue reading
Harry Potter 7 arrival
 Book #7 of the “Harry Potter” series, [Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows][hp7], will be released in California in exactly 840 (4\*5\*6\*7) hours, or 35 days from right now. I plan on being one of the first people … Continue reading