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About this blog…
I use this platform to share things that are of interest to me or things I'll want to reference later. Occasionally other people like these posts, hence "Shared Interests".
What might you find here?
- Problems I've solved (mostly computer- or network related).
- Recipes and cooking-related posts.
- Hobbies and projects.
- Our remodeling experience.
- Local (Sacramento) information.
- Anything that strikes my fancy.
Author Archives: Jim Vanderveen
A “real” iPod
In this post I lamented the fact that I couldn’t realistically use my iPod Shuffle to listen to podcasts. Well, I finally broke down and bought a “real” iPod to give podcasts another try. I’m listening to Mark Johnson’s Boardgames … Continue reading
Fun little IQ test
I found this little “IQ test” on Kevin’s blog, (which unfortunately doesn’t seem to allow links to individual posts). I took the test and did pretty well, so it must be accurate! 😉 Give it a shot, and link back … Continue reading
Arden-Dimick gaming last night
Gaming session report at Arden-Dimick library Continue reading
Posted in Uncategorized
Tagged boardgames, library, meetup, munchkin, sacramento, session_report
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Tabasco chicken
One of my wife’s co-workers asked for our recipe for Tabasco chicken. Here it is. > Ingredients: > > – 3 lb chicken breasts (boneless skinless) > – juice of 2 limes (1/4 cup?) > – olive oil (same amount … Continue reading
BoardGameGeek feature: session reports by gaming group
A few days ago I was browsing the ‘Geek when I found another cool feature: session reports by gaming group. There’s not much to this–it merely allows one to search the session report database by gaming group, but this simple … Continue reading
Candamir session report
My daughter and I played Candamir again tonight. This was the fourth game for both of us, so we were equally experienced. Until very near the end, “Leif” (red) and “Gisla” (blue) were within one point of each other, with … Continue reading
Closest Earth-Mars approach in recorded history this month?
According to an email I received, near the end of August the Earth and Mars will pass closer to each other in recorded history. Unfortunately it’s not true. Continue reading
Hagen’s Orange Freeze
It was too hot to cook tonight, so my family decided to try Hagen’s Orange Freeze in Carmichael. I’m pretty sure this used to be the original Merlino’s restaurant, and the new owners apparently are sticking closely to the Merlino’s … Continue reading
Sacramento boardgames tied with Chicago!
Our boardgame meetup in Sacramento just tied Chicago for third most members worldwide! Continue reading
“Recent comments” added
I had a few folks post comments on some of my older posts, and I didn’t notice them right away. The problem is that I rarely use the WordPress “dashboard”, which is the easiest place to find recently added comments. … Continue reading →