Phone banking for Obama


We’re gonna have our first “political party” next weekend at the not-quite-finished house. We’ll be hosting a [phone-banking party][party] aimed at getting out the progressive vote for Senator Obama during the [Texas primary/caucus][texas-primary]. I figure we can get about 20 people in the house, allowing for room to work and talk on cellular phones. If any Sacramento readers are interested, please [RSVP here][party] so we don’t get too crowded.

Senator Obama has won all 10 of the primaries/caucuses since [Super Tuesday][], and although there are four states holding primaries on March 4, it’s really all about Texas. Senator Clinton’s campaign has been battered throughout February, and it seems like she’s betting the remainder of her campaign on this one state. If she doesn’t win Texas, it looks like she’ll have to throw in the towel.

So come on out next weekend and [help us put Obama over the top][party] for the Democratic nomination!

[Super Tuesday]:

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Bathroom plumbing, again

Our plumber *finally* made it back out to our project today. (The last time he was on-site was before Christmas.) Unfortunately it’s been raining here for several days, and there’s a pretty big puddle in the crawlspace right where the plumber needs to work. They didn’t bring their wet gear, so they’ll be coming back tomorrow morning to finish the new bathroom.

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I’ve been battling a cold since the weekend, and last night was the worst of it (I hope)! I slept poorly (if at all), so I was feeling exceptionally miserable this morning. This calls for the ultimate “comfort food” breakfast–oatmeal!

I foraged in the pantry for a while, looking for the familiar cylindrical container but couldn’t find it. Barb took pity on me and pointed my bloodshot eyes in the right direction before she left for work. I forgot we’ve been buying oatmeal in the bulk section lately, so it was in a plastic bag–with no recipe. Ack! To the Internet, Batman!

A quick search for “oatmeal recipe” returned about a zillion pages for all kinds of recipes, none of which were simply oatmeal. Searching for “how to cook oatmeal” was more effective, but none of the recipes I found sounded just right. By this time, I had finished my first cup of coffee so I was feeling a bit better–well enough, in fact, to do a little creative cooking.

I had just read about a dozen different oatmeal recipes, and one of them included cinnamon and nutmeg. That sounded particularly good, but we don’t have nutmeg in our spice drawer. (It’s probably in one of the many boxes we still haven’t unpacked.) I *did* find pumpkin pie spice, which contains cinnamon, nutmeg, and ginger. What the heck, here goes!


* 2¼ c milk
* ¼ tsp (less?) salt
* 1 c rolled oats
* ½ tsp pumpkin pie spice
* ½ tsp vanilla
* maple syrup to taste

Mix the pumpkin pie spice with the oatmeal, or the spice will clump up when you add it to the milk. Heat the milk over medium heat until just boiling. (Careful! Milk can burn. You can use water instead and add some milk later.) Turn the heat to low and add the salt, oatmeal/spice mixture, and vanilla. Cook until the liquid is mostly absorbed and the oatmeal is done to your liking. (Depending on your stove, pan, and which oatmeal you use, this can be anywhere from 1-10 minutes.) Sweeten with maple syrup.

Reactions: This is a *lot* of oatmeal, probably two full servings. The cooking aroma of the spice and vanilla made an immediate improvement in my mood. 🙂 The ginger added a nice little zing, but I don’t think I would like it if I wasn’t sick. Next time I’ll try this with cinnamon and nutmeg, perhaps ½ tsp of each.

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I am *so* screwed… I ran the [portupgrade][] utility on one of our [FreeBSD][] servers at work. This was a production system that we used for printing certificates for our students, preparing address labels for [USPS][] shipments, and several other small (but crucial!) database applications. When I realized that the upgrade had roached all these business-critical apps, I tried to restore the system and found that my backups weren’t usable. ARRRRGH! From now on, I’m going to verify my backups by generating a [“table of contents”]( from the backup media *after* the backup is complete.


for ($i=1; $i<=100; $i++) { print "$i. I will *never* run portupgrade(1) again without making sure I have a *known good* backup!\n"; }

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Goodbye, January!

Well, here it is the end of January and I haven’t posted *anything* since before Christmas. We spent a lot of our holiday break enjoying our not-quite-finished kitchen, and since then I’ve been swamped at work. Still, I’ve managed to get at least a little bit more done on the house almost every day. The downside is that I haven’t had much time to update the blog. Also, I can’t find the USB cable for our camera, so I can’t post any pictures. 🙁

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Christmas break

I’ve got a week and a half off for Christmas, and one can only socialize *so* much. We’ll be spending considerable time working on our remodel, of course.

Speaking of the remodeling project, I noticed that I haven’t post much this week. I’ve been busy at work, getting everything done before the year-end shutdown. We’ve also had quite a bit going on at home!

* Our plumber has the kitchen sink, disposal, and dishwasher working–hooray! He’s also done most of the work in the new bathroom, although two small parts have gone missing so our new shower and toilet aren’t hooked up yet. But he *did* get the vanity sinks plumbed, which is significant because one of those sinks receives the furnace condensate — No more toting 5-10 gallons of water out every day! (And no more mopping up when I forget to empty the bucket. 😐 )

* Rick, our tile setter, has finished his work. In fact, he grouted the entry about an hour before my wife’s office party started on Friday night. His work is fantastic, just like last time. He has some small touch-up work to do after the holidays, and we still have to seal all the floor grout and the shower.

* Don and J were out this week and took care of a whole bunch of stuff — hanging doors, installing vanity cabinets, building landings and stairs for the exterior doors, etc. Don’s still got to come back and finish installing the medicine cabinets in the bathroom and re-hanging Caira’s bedroom door, but the door got a bit warped and we’re still waiting for it to get flattened out.

Between our trades’ work and our own, we’ve very nearly finished our kitchen. This truly is the “heart of the home”, especially for our family. Barb and I are both pretty competent and enthusiastic cooks, and our teenage children are heading down the same path. So it was more or less inevitable that we would focus our finish-work effort on the kitchen first. The punch list for this room is now quite short:

* Eric (cabinetry)
1. Trim cabinet openings for dishwasher and wine frig.
1. Crown molding around hood chimney.
1. Re-install scribe along range backsplash.
1. Install baseboard.
1. Install foot rail along bar.
1. Adjust several doors and drawers which aren’t closing properly.

* Rick (tile)
1. Replace two pieces of cracked bullnose skirting.
1. Install bullnose piece between bar top and cookbook shelves.

* Us
1. Hang the pot rack.
1. Install two pendant lights over bar top.
1. Wire up the blower for the range hood.
1. Push the range back flush to the wall (fiddle with gas supply hose).
1. Clean the floor and seal the grout.
1. Move refrigerator into its cabinet.
1. Adjust wine frig and dishwasher (once Eric is done).
1. Run the water line for the ice maker and filtered water tap.

Our tradespeople are gone for the holidays, but I expect to finish at least half of the “Us” list today. Our camera batteries are dead, so perhaps Barb can pick up some fresh ones today and I’ll do a follow-up post on our progress, complete with pictures.

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Delicious Library and boardgames

I’ve been using Delicious Library to catalog our DVD’s, CD’s, and books for almost two years. It’s great for keeping track of your library, especially if you loan your books and such out to your friends–just drag the item being loaned onto the person to whom it’s being loaned.

DL will also keep track of video games, which doesn’t do me a lot of good since I don’t own any. But I do have a modest collection of boardgames that I’d like to catalog (and track!) in DL. I sent this feature request to Wil Shipley soon after I started using DL. Lo and behold, this morning I read the following (from “Transitions and Epiphanies”, about 1/3 of the way down):

…I start asking if the world even needs an app that catalogs books and DVDs
and now boardgames when we could all be under five feet of water in a few years.

(Emphasis added.)

I’m running the current version (1.6.6) of DL, and there’s nothing to support boardgames in there, so I think this is a new feature being added to the upcoming version 2. I’m firing off an email to Wil begging to beta test the new version.

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Building permit extension

Our current project actually consists of two separate permits–one for the addition/remodel, and another one for Barb’s quilt shop. We’ve been focusing on getting the house done, so much so that the permit for Barb’s shop is about to expire. I called the [Sacramento County Building Department]( to request an extension, but it turns out that you have to make such a request *in writing*.

I was hoping that we could get some work done on the shop, get another inspection and keep the “permit clock” ticking. So we’ve put off asking for an extension until very nearly the last possible moment. My permit is only a few days from expiring, and *now* I find out that I have to deliver a letter to get an extension?!? During the holiday postal rush, of course. I guess I’ll just deliver the thing personally. grumble, grumble…

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More appliances…

Our [hood][] is wired up, so we have lights on our fancy new range!


I was so pumped about the range in my earlier post that I forgot to mention that we got our washer and dryer hooked up again. Being able to do laundry at home is another one of those things that people take for granted. (Hmm, I think I’m going to have to do a post on that theme.)



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We have a stove!

At long last, our [range][] is installed! Barb didn’t waste any time putting it to use.


We’ve got the hood mounted to the wall, but it’ll be few days before that’s hooked up. Our HVAC installer will be out on Tuesday or Wednesday to finish the ducting, and I should have the power hooked up later tonight. (At least the lights will work, even if there’s no point in running the fan.)

[range]: “The current model. Our range is about 2 years old already.”

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