Wicked bike hopping

Check out this [wicked bike hopping video][]! I hate to think what sort of injuries this guy did to himself…

The music is pretty cool, too–It’s a track called “The Distance” from Cake’s album *Fashion Nugget*, which has been added near the top of [my Amazon wishlist][].

[wicked bike hopping video]: http://www.glumbert.com/media/trialbike
[my Amazon wishlist]: http://www.amazon.com/gp/registry/wishlist/244TPPIDXOG7N/104-9329869-0082369?reveal=unpurchased&filter=all&sort=priority&layout=standard&x=12&y=15

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Sacramento County building department

I spent several hours on the phone last Thursday checking the status of my building permits. (My remodeling project requires two separate permits and each one was being held for a different reason.) Sacramento County has a handy [permit status tool][], but the “Active Hold” descriptions are somewhat cryptic–it’s reasonable for *me* not to know what “TR – Sac Cnty W Dist” means, but when the people at the building department don’t know what it is that’s pretty bad. I didn’t find out what I needed to do and whom I needed to speak with until late afternoon on Thursday, so I had just enough time that day to run out to the county branch center (off Bradshaw Road) and pick up my plans.

On Friday afternoon I left work early and took my plans downtown. I finally got both of my permit applications cleared right before close of business, and I could have had the permits issued then and there, but while discussing my project with the plan checker I discovered that there were some foundation walls on our plans that were not required by code. This wouldn’t have been a big deal except that these “extra” foundation walls would have to be built under the existing house, and I didn’t want to tear out our hardwood floors just to install spurious foundations! So the plans have to go back to the draftsman for revision. Hopefully that won’t take more than a day. On a brighter note, our first revision cleared the building department in less than a week, and I expect our second (final?) revision will clear at least as quickly.

There are several people at the building department who’ve been extremely helpful to me, and I’ll be sending commendation letters to their supervisors. I’ve been especially impressed when I dealt with these folks face-to-face. If you go in with the right attitude they are almost universally a pleasure to work with. The key thing to remember is: what is the objective of the building department, and what is the typical attitude they have to deal with? Plan checkers and inspectors are almost exclusively concerned with fire- and life-safety, yet they have to listen to a bunch of whining from developers and contractors who are trying to cut corners on these very important issues. It’s no surprise that somebody in this situation might develop a surly attitude. I’ve run into a few such people in the building department, and I’ve been able to get on their good side simply by convincing them that it’s in my own best interest to build my family’s house according to code. If I have questions about the building code, I make a point of conveying my desire to *understand* the code rather than quarreling with it — I know that there *is* a reason for every code requirement, and if they explain the reason to me I will be able to implement it more effectively.

Anyway, that’s my rant in defense of the building department. Now on to the status of the project…

Our plans still have to be cleared by the fire department. (Sacramento County doesn’t route the plans to other entities, so you need to do this yourself.) Since our house, garage, workshop(s), and porch (and all the eaves!) will eventually cover more than 3,600 square feet, we probably either need to upgrade our street’s fire hydrant *or* install a fire sprinkler system. Fire sprinklers are probably less than $1,000 more expensive, but considering how effective they are I think we’ll go this route. (My conscience twinges at the thought of not helping my neighbors by upgrading the fire hydrant, though.) The ideal solution would be for the fire department to consider the house and the outbuilding as separate structures, neither of which is large enough (by itself) to trigger the hydrant upgrade or fire sprinkler requirement. (/me crosses fingers!)

We found a good lead on a tree trimming/removal contractor. The [remaining “junk” trees in the back yard][junk trees] will be removed in about two weeks. I’ll write that up when the job is finished.

We’re going to bury our electrical and telephone lines, so I need to call [SMUD][] for their requirements. Hopefully the telephone conduit can run in the same trench as the power! Once we have this information, we should be able to make preliminary arrangements with the foundation contractor. Then it’s time to pay for our building permits and start construction. Woo hoo!

[permit status tool]: http://www.bldginspection.org/permitinforetrieval/PermitLookup.aspx
[junk trees]: http://sonicchicken.net/blog/wordpress/2006/10/27/tree-removal/
[SMUD]: http://smud.org/

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Remodel update

I haven’t posted much about our remodeling project lately, because nothing much has been happening. But last week I got our plans back from the draftsman and resubmitted them to the Sacramento County Building Department about 10 minutes before close of business that day. Unfortunately this was right before a 3-day weekend, but hopefully plan checking will proceed relatively quickly since there were only relatively minor issues with our original plans. The first round of plan checking took about three weeks, so I think we may get our plans back in about two weeks this time. We’ve already paid our impact fees to the school district (about $2,400), and I think we have one more hold that we’ll have to clear before we can get permits.

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Bush’s exit strategy

I saw a [great bumper sticker][] yesterday:

> At least in Vietnam, Bush had an exit strategy

Back in the 60’s and 70’s, joining the National Guard was the “honorable” way to keep your privileged butt from being sent into a war zone. Nowadays it’s not so effective…

[great bumper sticker]: http://www.stampandshout.com/shop/bumper-stickers/bush-had-exit-strategy.php

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Plasma screen “speakers”, kind of…

Last March we bought a flat panel TV, and we’ve been very pleased with the display. But we’ve been using our old speakers for the audio, and they’re a bit bulky. This isn’t merely a fashion issue–our house is pretty small and the speakers have to sit up on the fireplace mantle. Between the two speakers, they take up quite a bit of the limited space available. A few days ago, my wife and I discussed the possibility of using the speakers that are built-in to the flat panel display. This would allow us to move our old speakers into storage until we get our remodel project done.

My first stop was a search of this blog–I had written an article when we installed the flat panel, and I knew I had included a picture of the I/O panel on the back of the display. Since it’s mounted on the wall, it would be easier to find the article as opposed to trying to peek at the back of the display… Or so I thought. It turns out that I never hit the “Publish” button after I wrote the [flat panel article][]. (Well, at least that was easily fixed!)

[flat panel article]: http://sonicchicken.net/blog/wordpress/2006/03/08/new-tv/

Okay, so now that I have a URL for the I/O panel, here’s the picture:

![Picture of audio/video connections on rear of Panasonic model TH-50PM50U](http://sonicchicken.net/blog/wordpress/wp-content/images/plasma_io_panel.jpg “A/V connection panel”)

RCA connectors (mostly), so I tried hooking the audio output (*not* the speaker output!) from my stereo to the display’s audio inputs. (Not the ones at the top right of the picture–those are for HDMI input. I used the red/white RCA jacks for “Input one”.) This didn’t work, so I scrounged around at home and online and finally found the [TH-50PM50U manual](http://service.us.panasonic.com/OPERMANPDF/TH42PM50-MULTI.PDF) at the [Panasonic service/support site](http://service.us.panasonic.com/OperMan/findmanual.aspx?model=TH50PM50U). This uncovered my first problem–I forgot that when I installed the display, I had disabled the speakers. A few clicks of the remote *should* have fixed this, but I still couldn’t hear anything from the display’s speakers. I had the old-school speakers wired in, and they were working so I knew there was an audio signal on the wire. In desperation I tried hooking the (amplified) speaker outputs to the display’s audio inputs, but *still* there was no audio!

All this time, I had been listening to my [iTunes][] library via the stereo, and that’s what I was expecting to hear from the flat panel’s speakers. I decided to go “back to basics” and hook the DVD player directly to the display (instead of routing everything through my stereo). This worked!

[iTunes]: http://www.apple.com/itunes/

After much, much more trial and (mostly) error, I finally think I figured out how this works–If there is no video signal coming in to the display, the audio amplifier in the flat panel seems to be disabled. This pretty much blows my plan–not only do I have to power-up the display to listen to music, I also have to pipe in a video signal *without* its accompanying audio. It can be done, but:

* It’s a hassle
* It wastes power
* The silent video is very distracting

Some good came out of all this, though. My wife and I both agreed that getting the speakers off the mantle is a Good Thing, and well worth the price of a set of [Bose speakers](http://www.bose.com/controller?event=VIEW_PRODUCT_PAGE_EVENT&product=am5_virtuallyinvisible_index). Yum!

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Wil, you crack me up!

Wil Shipley writes some interesting stuff in [his blog](http://wilshipley.com/blog/index.html “Wil Shipley’s blog, ‘Call Me Fishmeal'”), but something in [this post](http://wilshipley.com/blog/2007/01/ad-nauseam.html) just cracked me up:

Google employees are the Kobe Beef of computer programmers

(because Google is made up of a bunch of well-massaged, well-fed, lovable computer wonks).

I admit this post is completely pointless, but the mental image of a bunch of hackers getting massages and chewing their cuds while they banged out code was just too funny for me to pass up.

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The End of Suburbia


One of our recent [Netflix][] rentals was [The End of Suburbia][]. I’ve been reading quite a bit on [urban planning][] lately, especially [New Urbanism][], and somewhere along my journey I found a pointer to this movie. I’ll hopefully write about New Urbanism later, but for this post I want to focus on the movie and my family’s reaction to it.

[Netflix]: http://netflix.com/
[The End of Suburbia]: http://www.endofsuburbia.com/
(Homepage for “The End of Suburbia: Oil Depletion and the Collapse of The American Dream”)
[urban planning]: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Urban_planning
(Wikipedia article on town and city planning)
[New Urbanism]: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/New_Urbanism
(Wikipedia article on the New Urbanism movement)

Continue reading

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Racism in Arden Park

Racism is still with us. My wife opened the curtains this morning and got to see this:


I’m so mad about this, I can’t even write anything more about this right now.

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Netflix “friend” link

I was just over on [Uneasy Rhetoric][] who is unfortunately taking an [indefinite hiatus](http://www.uneasyrhetoric.net/2007/01/09/indefinite-hiatus/) from blogging. That’ll be a great loss for Sacramento. But the good news is that I ran across a comment by [Margaret][] and stopped by her site for the first time in *way* too long. It turns out that Margaret and Chris are [Netflix][] members, so I hopped over to Netflix and see about adding them to my friends list there. I’m not very happy with Netflix’s approach, which seems too spammy to me, so I’d rather not use it. But I did find an [invitation to join my Netflix friends list][] which is a URL that you can email or post (as I’m doing here). So if you’re a Netflix user *and* a reader, please follow that link and add me (and my family) as one of your friends!

[Uneasy Rhetoric]: http://www.uneasyrhetoric.net/
[Margaret]: http://www.motelmag.com/
[Netflix]: http://www.netflix.com/
[invitation to join my Netflix friends list]: http://www.netflix.com/BeMyFriend/PYME9nxhB1SKinjqJ7CK

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Cold ride to work this morning

I rode my bike to work this morning. I guess I just woke up on the “foolish” side of the bed! It was beautiful but cold: -2°C (28°F). With the “wind” chill from riding, it was about -8°C (17°F). The view coming over the Guy West Bridge was the high point of my ride–the deck of the bridge was rimed with frost:

Frost on the Guy West Bridge this morning

Unfortunately, my camera/phone doesn’t do justice to the sight.

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