

I finally got a chance to play [Attika][] at the [Sacramento Boardgames Meetup][] last night. This game was already on my Christmas list because it seemed like “my kind of game”. Now that I’ve actually played it, I think it’s something my whole family would enjoy. Many thanks to [Kevin][] for bringing Attika to our game night!

Speaking of which… Our group, the Sacramento Boardgames Meetup, gets together every Tuesday night at Crepeville at 18th & L in downtown Sacramento. Our event is *scheduled* to start at 6:00 pm, but lots of folks arrive earlier (or later). I usually leave at about 9:00 pm, and I’m one of the early departures. I have no idea how late the die-hard gamers stay. We have a great group of gamers, so if you like boardgames come on out and join us some Tuesday evening!

[Sacramento Boardgames Meetup]:

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Cool BoardGameGeek widget!

I just stumbled across a way-cool widget over on [BoardGameGeek][].
It’s a javascript widget that (in this case) displays the last five games I played:


The “games played” list is from the BGG database, which I often forget to update.
But this widget is just the sort of thing that will help remind me to log all the games I play.

(Oops! I forgot to link to the widget generator.)
If you’re a BGG user, check out the [GeekWidget generator][]. (And if you’re a boardgamer but *not* a BGG user, go ahead and register!)

[GeekWidget generator]:

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Open letter to motorists

I’m a bicycle commuter here in Sacramento, and I’ve had my share of bad encounters with motorists. I’ve often thought of posting something here on the blog to let motorists know what it’s like to ride a 30-pound bicycle while 3,000-pound cars are whizzing by right next to me, honking, yelling, or just plain ignoring my presence. But somebody has already taken care of this for me! Check out [CrazyBikerChick][]’s [open letter to motorists][].

[open letter to motorists]:

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Tree removal

[SMUD][] had a tree-trimming crew come by our house over the last two days. They spent the first day clearing all the “bushes” (which were nearly tall enough to reach the power lines!). Yesterday they finished the job by taking down a ~50 year old zelkova that was planted right under the power lines. Check out the “before” and “after” pictures:



(Sorry about the poor image quality on the “before” pic. I didn’t think a tripod was needed, and I had no idea that I was supposed to disable automatic exposure control for panorama pictures. Lesson(s) learned on the “after” pic though!)

Now that SMUD has taken care of most of the junk “trees”, we need to get some bids on removal of the last three problems: the skinny maple near the center of the fence, the clump of privet in the right corner, and a palm tree that’s off the right of the frame in the “after” picture. We’re going to use this (southern) edge of our property for our garden, so we need to get maximum sunlight in this area. (This was the main reason we used chainlink when [we replaced our south fence][new fence].) The palm tree (out of frame) needs to come out to make room for Barb’s quilt studio.

[new fence]:

Update: I shot another panorama this morning, with the sun angle about the same as my “Before” picture. This should give a better comparison:



Also, this new “After” picture shows the palm tree I mentioned in the article.

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New fence

A few weeks ago, we had a bit of a wind storm here in Sacramento. Afterwards we discovered that nearly all the posts of our back fence had failed.


I was hoping to avoid replacing the fence until after we ran new water and sewer pipes for [our remodeling project][]. In fact, I wouldn’t have worried about the fence at all right now were it not for the fact that one of my neighbors (the one *without* a fence, of course) has a dog. Oh well…

I called around and got several verbal quotes yesterday. I needed about 75 linear feet of fencing installed, and most places were quoting me $1,000 to $1,500 for 4-foot high chain link fencing, not including removal of the old fence. One of the places I called, [All Fence Design][] aka [All Steel Fence Design][], was just finishing a job and offered to drop by my house to do a written quote, since it was right on their way. They quoted me $1,150 — not the cheapest, but far from the most expensive. They were using the same high-grade materials that the expensive places were quoting me, *and* they were willing to haul away the old fence! To top it all off, they’d had a job fall through so they were available the very next day. It sounded good to me, so I gave them a deposit on the spot, with work scheduled to begin at 7:00 am the next morning.

They arrived about ten minutes early this morning and got right to work. After making sure they had everything they needed, I went off to my own job. I came home a bit early and they were just finishing up.


Casey (between the open gate and the telephone pole above, with his back to the camera) and his crew did a great job. They got the fence installed in one day, including hauling away the old fence. Galvanized chainlink fencing isn’t a particularly aesthetic material, but these guys made it look great in spite of that. It was good workmanship, quality materials, and a fair price — you can’t ask for better than that! If you need fence work done in the Sacramento area, I strongly recommend that you get a quote from [All Fence Design][].

[our remodeling project]:
[All Fence Design]:
[All Steel Fence Design]:

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Begonia Gymfest 2006

The third meet of [Caitlin’s 2006 gymastics season][] was the [Begonia Gymfest][] held last weekend in Scotts Valley, near Santa Cruz. This was the compulsory team’s “away” meet this season, and it was *packed*! Our session was Saturday afternoon/evening and included 69 gymnasts. (The maximum allowed is 72 per session.) This wasn’t the worst possible session for us, but it wasn’t the best either. (I think the best possible would have been the first Sunday morning session. This would have given us all day Saturday to explore Santa Cruz. We were all staying in a nearby hotel, so getting to the meet on time would have been easy, and we could have gone to Autie Mame’s Cafe for our post-meet party. More on the cafe below…)

The meet ran a bit slow and seemed a little disorganized, but the high school gymnasium was a pretty decent venue. We could see all the events without following our gymnasts, and the gym had light panels (translucent windows) that let in quite a bit of natural light. (Lighting is a big deal for all the parents taking non-flash photographs of their kids!)

[Caitlin’s 2006 gymastics season]:
[Pozsar’s Gymnastics]:
[Begonia Gymfest]:
[Scotts Valley Hilton]:
[Maya Mexican Restaurant]:
[Auntie Mame’s Cafe]:
[Santa Cruz, Big Trees and Pacific Railway]:,_Big_Trees_and_Pacific_Railway
[big trees state park]:

Caitlin had another *beautiful* beam routine, and she seems to have overcome her cart wheel problem. I thought her performance on the uneven bars was excellent, but the judges must have spotted some technical flaws that I missed. She did a very nice floor routine, but she put her hand on the floor when she wasn’t supposed to, which gets counted as a fall (an automatic 0.500 deduction). Her all-around score is still climbing, and I think it will continue to do so throughout the season. She placed third all-around in a very crowded field. Great job, Caitlin!

Event Score Place
Vault 8.450 5th
Bars 8.850 4th
Beam 9.375 1st
Floor 8.775 3rd
All around 35.450 3rd

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School Days 2006

![School Days quilt]( “School Days quilt”)The second meet of [Caitlin’s 2006 gymastics season][] was “School Days” held last Saturday afternoon at [Golden Gate Gymnastics][] in Concord, California.

[Caitlin’s 2006 gymastics season]:
[Golden Gate Gymnastics]:
[Pozsar’s Gymnastics]:

This was Caitlin’s first event at GGG, and I thought they ran a great meet! In spite of the rather small gym, there was plenty of room for spectators and gymnasts. (It may have helped that we were in the final session, since one of the earlier attendees told me that the morning and afternoon sessions had *many* more gymnasts.) During the late session there were about 10-15 girls per event, so the competition floor wasn’t very crowded. I assume that the meet organizers would want to keep the earlier sessions maxed out. Thus the final session can run “light” and finish as quickly as possible, so the meet staff can start cleanup ASAP. Perhaps we should **request** the final session in the future?

Caitlin medaled in every event this weekend. She took second place on the uneven bars and fifth place on vault, beam and floor; however, between her very good score on bars and her consistent finishes in the other events, she managed to pull third place overall.

Event Score Place
Vault 8.100 5th
Bars 9.225 2nd
Beam 8.950 5th (tie)
Floor 9.000 5th
All around 35.275 3rd

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SMB file sharing doesn’t support Subversion on Mac OS X

I’ve received several queries about the SMB patch that I mentioned in my [svn-on-osx][] post. Unfortunately, when I went hunting for the patch the second time around, I wasn’t able to find it. But I *was* finally able to solve my OSX/Subversion/scplugin problems by using the `svn+ssh` transport, thus:


Once I gave up on SMB file sharing, I’ve had no trouble with [scplugin][] or [Subversion][] on Mac OS X.

[scplugin]: “Posts on this blog tagged with ‘scplugin'”
[Subversion]: “Posts on this blog tagged with ‘subversion'”

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Marin Quilt Show rip-off

My mom has been making an annual pilgrimage to the [Marin Needle Arts Guild][] quilt show for years, and since 2001 my wife has been accompanying her. Last year I tagged along with them at the [2005 Marin quilt show][]. There were *hundreds* of quilts, many of them beautiful and inspirational, and we had a great time at the show. I couldn’t attend this year, but my mom and my wife encouraged our youngest daughter to attend her first quilt show. After spending two hours driving to San Rafael and $7 each for tickets, they walked into the exhibit hall and saw…

About twenty quilts.

Apparently this year the MNAG threw in the towel and let some [scammers]( run a “quilt festival” at the same venue and weekend that the Marin quilt show has traditionally been held for the past 27 years. To be completely fair, there *were* some traveling exhibit quilts and vendors’ display quilts being shown. But there were only ~20 “personal” quilts on display this year, compared to hundreds in prior years. Basically, my mom, wife, and daughter ended up blowing four hours driving plus gasoline plus admission, with the expectation of seeing a fabulous quilt show; instead, all they got to see was a bunch of vendors hawking their wares. What a total let-down!

I’m posting this in the hope that some other unsuspecting folks won’t fall victim.

[2005 Marin Quilt Show]:
[Marin Needle Arts Guild]:

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ConQuest SF 2006

Caira and I took a daytrip down to [ConQuest San Francisco][] on Saturday. It was great, same as last year, but the Bay Bridge closure caused some extra traffic problems. I missed out on all the games that started at 9:00 am, but it gave me a chance to look around and see what was going on and chat with some folks whom I don’t get to see very often. Meanwhile, Caira headed straight for the miniatures-painting area. Except for a short lunch break, she spent the whole day up there. That ended up being a pretty good deal: I paid $30 for a 1-day pass for her, and she got five mini’s out of it along with access to all the paint, brushes and tools she needed.

At about 10:00 am, I finally got a chance to join a game, [Axis & Allies][], which I had only played once before. I got to play the Allies against two veteran players who took the Axis. History proved quite malleable — after a little over two hours, Germany captured Moscow and the Allies sued for lunch peace. (Yes, I *was* getting hungry.) 🙂 After lunch with Caira, I managed to restore my reputation somewhat. I got in a 5-player game of [Taj Mahal][], another game that I had played only once before. I played fairly well, (or I got lucky), and scored enough points to finish in second place. I chatted with my fellow players and mingled a bit more.

I came across an in-progress game of [Thurn und Taxis][]. There’s been quite a lot of *buzz* around this game, but I hadn’t had a chance to look inside the box, much less play it. So while the game was running I asked if I might read the rules and watch the game for a while. More people started hanging around this game, and by the time it was over there was a full complement of four people ready to jump in and try it. The theme sounds a bit silly: each player represents a family trying to establish the first postal service in northern Europe in the 15th century. It’s actually a very interesting and nicely balanced game. The rules are simple, play is quick, and the components are quite attractive. This game has a lot of potential to become a favorite of my family, so I went out and bought a copy as soon as [Viking Hobby][] opened the next morning.

Some things I learned last year, and re-learned this year:

– Plan to arrive at about 08:00. This leaves time to park, walk to the hotel, register, and look through the schedule for the day.
– The coffee bar at the Con isn’t open all evening, and there’s no other place within walking distance to buy coffee. Find out when they close and set an alarm to alert coffee addicts connoisseurs of the “last call”.
– A backpack would have been helpful. I remembered to bring my camera, but I was constantly worried about losing it.
– Bring some snacks along. Maybe some fruit, cheese and crackers, something.
– There’s water at the Con, but they only have little bitty cups. Bring a waterbottle next time.
– I needed a pen and notepad to write people’s email and other notes.
– Highlighters for the schedule would have been handy.
– **Leave $3 in the car for bridge toll!** (Fortunately I had $3.35 in my pocket when I hit the Carquinez Bridge.)

[ConQuest San Francisco]:
[Axis & Allies]:
[Taj Mahal]:
[Thurn und Taxis]:
[Viking Hobby]:

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