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About this blog…
I use this platform to share things that are of interest to me or things I'll want to reference later. Occasionally other people like these posts, hence "Shared Interests".
What might you find here?
- Problems I've solved (mostly computer- or network related).
- Recipes and cooking-related posts.
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- Anything that strikes my fancy.
Tag Archives: roof
Our roof is finished!
Our roof is finished! Bill and his guys came by this morning and got it done in a few hours. I didn’t have time to go up and take a picture of Barb’s shop. There is some extra roofing material … Continue reading
Roofing started
Our roof was “loaded” (i.e. the material was delivered and distributed around the roof) on Tuesday. The truck just *barely* fit down the backyard driveway. (More photos on the [Roofing photoset](http://www.flickr.com/photos/sonicchicken/sets/72157600786074539/) on Flickr.) Hall’s Roofing started putting up our composition … Continue reading
Remodel week #12
Progress on our remodeling project as of week 12. Continue reading
Posted in Our home remodeling project, Uncategorized
Tagged cabinetry, demolition, doors, electrical, hvac, kitchen, roof, windows
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Roof inspection
We just passed our roof diaphragm & shear wall inspection–woo hoo! Next up we’ve got to schedule a whole bunch of jobs: 1. We need to paint the barge rafters before the shingles are installed over the gable edges of … Continue reading
Roof sheathing finished, new water heater
Barb and I spent most of Sunday sheathing the roof with Jimmy and Jay, a couple of the guys on the framing crew. We were too busy for photos at the time, but I got a few [pictures of the … Continue reading
Our roof is covered!
We got most of the roof sheathing tacked in place this weekend. The house looks *much* better now! Continue reading
Roof progress
The framing crew is putting the finishing touches on the roof today–fascia and barge rafters! (More photos on the [house fascia photoset](http://www.flickr.com/photos/sonicchicken/sets/72157600413835432/) on Flickr.) They may not finish until tomorrow, but it doesn’t matter too much. We don’t have the … Continue reading
Remodel week #9
We’re into the ninth week of our remodel, and the roof is nearly framed. The attic is going to be *awesome*! (Along with the rest of the house, of course. But the attic is an unexpected bonus!) Continue reading
Ceiling beam
I finally go some close-up pictures of the [ceiling beam that was flown onto the roof](http://sonicchicken.net/blog/wordpress/2007/06/01/ceiling-beams-up/) last week. This thing is *huge*! If you can’t read the tape measure, it’s 16″ x 5.25″ wide, and 32′ long!
Raising the roof!
Our first rafters and ridge board were put up today! Continue reading