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About this blog…
I use this platform to share things that are of interest to me or things I'll want to reference later. Occasionally other people like these posts, hence "Shared Interests".
What might you find here?
- Problems I've solved (mostly computer- or network related).
- Recipes and cooking-related posts.
- Hobbies and projects.
- Our remodeling experience.
- Local (Sacramento) information.
- Anything that strikes my fancy.
Tag Archives: sacramento
New fence
Our back fence completely failed a few weeks ago. We got it replaced today, and we’re very happy with the installer. Continue reading
Posted in Our home remodeling project, Uncategorized
Tagged fence, review, sacramento, yard
Judges Cup 2006
Caitlin began her level 5 gymnastic season last Sunday at the 2006 [Judges Cup][] held at [Sac State][]. This was her first meet as a member of [Pozsar’s Gymnastics][] team. We were up against some stiff competition in our session: … Continue reading
ConQuest Sacramento
The first Sacramento ConQuest game convention was held this weekend, April 7-9. There were quite a few things going on–CCG tournaments, miniature gaming (e.g. Warhammer), an anime film festival, miniature painting contest, costume contest, RPG’s, a bunch of science fiction … Continue reading
Gönül’s “Wine Maker’s Dinner”
My wife and I attended our first “wine maker’s dinner” at Gönül’s last week, and it was incredible! Continue reading
Cat Eye headlight for Soma coffee cup holder
Grrr! Soma’s “Morning Rush” coffee cup holder uses a Cat Eye H-27 bracket, which (of course) is not the same bracket that came with my HL-350 headlight, which is the only Cat Eye headlight stocked by my LBS (Peak Adventures). … Continue reading
Posted in Uncategorized
Tagged bike, cateye, city_bikes, coffee, peak_adventures, sacramento, soma
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I seem to be making a lot of bicycle-related posts lately, so I guess it’s time for another hobby entry. Continue reading
Posted in Uncategorized
Tagged bike, bike_hikers, bike_journal, club, hobby, sacramento
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I remember reading about Xocolatl on Acetylene’s blog some time ago. It sounded interesting, but I never pursued it. Then a few weeks ago my wife read about it in the Sacramento food co-op‘s news, and she decided to try … Continue reading
Is Sacramento a bike-friendly town?
(NB: I read about Uneasy Rhetoric in today’s Sacramento Bee, and the site turned up when I was searching for Sacramento bicycling information, so I decided to check out the post. I started to leave a comment, but it got … Continue reading
Sacramento Bicycle, Pedestrian & Trails Master Plan
Bike Talk Radio podcast. Sacramento Area Council of Governments (SACOG) Bicycle, Pedestrian, and Trails Master Plan link. SACOG web designer needs to learn basics of search engine operation. Continue reading
AAR schedule on KCTC
KCTC became the Sacramento affiliate for Air America Radio in October 2005. Their broadcast schedule is now available. Continue reading