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Category Archives: Mac OS X
Testing scplugin on a local repository
On some earlier posts I was trying to get scplugin working on my Mac (OS X 10.4.6). It seems like the problem may be due to subversion (svn) failing to communicate with my SMB-based repository. To test that, I made a local repository and created a test project within it. Continue reading
OSX and Windows simultaneously!
The possibilities for an Intel-equipped Mac just keep improving! Continue reading
Mac OSX Subversion with an SMB repository (again)
I just applied the Mac OSX 10.4.6 update, hoping that it would solve my problems viz a viz committing changes to an SMB-based subversion repository. Alas, I still have the same trouble with svn commit. In addition, the new update … Continue reading
Progress on scplugin?
I may be making some progress with scplugin Continue reading
Problem with Mac OSX Dock not “unhiding”
Mac OSX Dock wouldn’t unhide. How I fixed it. Continue reading
Subversion/Finder integration on Mac OSX
I found a lead on why Subversion may not be working with Finder in Mac OSX (Tiger, version 10.4.4) on the System Preferences… tool. There is now an “SCPlugin” item on System Preferences. Open this up and you’ll find a … Continue reading
Subversion on Mac OSX not working?
I was finally going through Chris J. Davis’ article, SVN on MacOS X. I downloaded the Subversion package to my Mac and it works fine via the command line, but I ran into trouble with scplugin, (the tool which bolts … Continue reading
Web Developer extension rocks!
I installed the Web Developer extension in my web browser this evening. If you do any web development work, or even just browse the web, you really need to check out this tool’s features. It works with Firefox, Flock, and … Continue reading
“Democracy Now!” available via BitTorrent
While I was installing BitTorrent on my Mac, I read the Wikipedia entry for BT and learned that Democracy Now! is available via BT. In fact, they have a pretty nice “how-to” page for BT that covers the basics pretty … Continue reading
BitTorrent on Mac OS X
The Omni Group is having trouble with their download server, so they’ve set up a BitTorrent server in the interim. Continue reading