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Tag Archives: boardgames
BoardGameGeek widget
I finally visited the BoardGameGeek site after a prolonged absence and got to fiddling with the widget generator. Here’s what I came up with: Thumbnails of the 5 games I’ve most recently played (and remembered to log on BGG!) I … Continue reading
Delicious Library and boardgames
I’ve been using Delicious Library to catalog our DVD’s, CD’s, and books for almost two years. It’s great for keeping track of your library, especially if you loan your books and such out to your friends–just drag the item being … Continue reading
I finally got a chance to play [Attika][] at the [Sacramento Boardgames Meetup][] last night. This game was already on my Christmas list because it seemed like “my kind of game”. Now that I’ve actually played it, I think it’s … Continue reading
Cool BoardGameGeek widget!
I just stumbled across a way-cool widget over on [BoardGameGeek][]. It’s a javascript widget that (in this case) displays the last five games I played: [BoardGameGeek]: http://www.boardgamegeek.com/ — — The “games played” list is from the BGG database, which I … Continue reading
ConQuest SF 2006
Caira and I took a daytrip down to [ConQuest San Francisco][] on Saturday. It was great, same as last year, but the Bay Bridge closure caused some extra traffic problems. I missed out on all the games that started at … Continue reading
ConQuest Sacramento
The first Sacramento ConQuest game convention was held this weekend, April 7-9. There were quite a few things going on–CCG tournaments, miniature gaming (e.g. Warhammer), an anime film festival, miniature painting contest, costume contest, RPG’s, a bunch of science fiction … Continue reading
New boardgames this Christmas
Wow, my family ended up with nine new games on our shelf this Christmas! As far as I know, all of these were picked up at Viking Hobby, so they did pretty well by us this season. Any guesses as … Continue reading
Delicious library, anybody?
Looking forward to trying out Delicious Monster when my Mac is repaired! Continue reading
New game at home: King of the Beasts Mythological Edition
I picked up a new game last week: “King of the Beasts Mythological Edition” is a 2- to 5-player card game. It plays very fast, maybe 5 or 10 minutes for experienced players. I’ve had a little trouble teaching it … Continue reading
Sacramento Boardgames Meetup 2005-12-06
We had a great turnout for our “1st Tuesday” game night in December! Continue reading
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Tagged boardgamegeek, boardgames, fox-and-goose, holiday, meetup, sacramento
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