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Tag Archives: boardgames
Run For Your Life, Candyman!
Back in August I picked up Run for your Life, Candyman!, a hilarious parody of the children’s game, Candyland. We’ve had fun playing it, but we went through the pad of candyman status sheets already. Since the publisher has explicitly … Continue reading
Game store database and an improved games rating page
Matthew Gray has done some great work on the BoardGameGeek as well as his own site! Continue reading
I’m moving my static HTML “hobbies page” to the blog to make it easier to update. Continue reading
BoardGameGeek wishlist
BoardGameGeek feature: Wishlist Continue reading
Sacramento “Go” club
I was posting the next meeting of the Sacramento Go Club on the Sacramento Boardgames, Cardgames, & Miniatures Meetup Group, but this week for some reason Meetup’s software is giving me grief about the event’s URL. I’m guessing it’s barfing … Continue reading
Gaming organizers’ meeting
Most (hopefully all) of the organizers of various Sacramento gaming groups, websites, et cetera, will be getting together for an organizational meeting on Sunday, the 11th at 5:30 PM. Our preferred meeting place, Fox & Goose, is closed on Sunday … Continue reading
Top-rated games on BoardGameGeek
I stopped by Viking Hobby today and got to chatting with Mark about the top-rated games on the ‘Geek. Until today, I only knew how to find the rank of a particular game, and there’s no Internet access in the … Continue reading
Another gaming event at Arden-Dimick library
The Sacramento Boardgames, Cardgames, & Miniatures Meetup Group held their first Saturday game day yesterday at the Arden-Dimick library. I’m pretty sure we had 26 people playing at one point, but I was too busy playing to keep track of … Continue reading
Arden-Dimick gaming last night
Gaming session report at Arden-Dimick library Continue reading
Posted in Uncategorized
Tagged boardgames, library, meetup, munchkin, sacramento, session_report
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Candamir session report
My daughter and I played Candamir again tonight. This was the fourth game for both of us, so we were equally experienced. Until very near the end, “Leif” (red) and “Gisla” (blue) were within one point of each other, with … Continue reading