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I use this platform to share things that are of interest to me or things I'll want to reference later. Occasionally other people like these posts, hence "Shared Interests".
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Tag Archives: review
“The No A$$hole Rule”
A few days ago I finished a book by Robert I. Sutton PhD, [The No Asshole Rule][]. The title may be a little off-putting for some folks, but as the author explained in an interview, there really isn’t a polite … Continue reading
Local sandwich shops
An [article in the Sacramento Bee](http://www.sacbee.com/103/v-print/story/343443.html) last week highlighted a couple of locally-owned sandwich shops: * [The Sandwich Spot][] at [1630 18th St](http://tinyurl.com/2g3vag) * [Dad’s][] at [1310 S St](http://tinyurl.com/2p6fty) [The Sandwich Spot]: http://www.thesandwichspot.com/ [Dad’s]: http://www.eatatdads.com/index.swf I haven’t been to either … Continue reading
Maalouf’s Taste of Lebanon
My buddy, [Andy](http://warboss.wordpress.com/), has been urging me for months to try the food at this Lebanese place he likes. But I’ve been coming home for lunch most days, and I wasn’t going to take my family there for dinner without
While we were visiting San Francisco yesterday, we heard a band playing out in front of Pier 39. They sounded pretty good, so I picked up their CD on the spot: “[Funkiest Man in Africa][]” by [AfroFunk][]. (The band is … Continue reading
Tokyo Fro’s sushi bar
Barb introduced me to [Tokyo Fro’s][] sushi bar several months ago. It was pretty good, but I just haven’t had a chance to go back there. A few days ago [Andy][] suggested sushi for lunch, and Tokyo Fro’s is conveniently … Continue reading
Boulevard Coffee Roasting Company
[Boulevard Coffee][] is yet another one of the businesses I frequent that doesn’t have a web page. Their coffee is always freshly roasted, and they have an excellent selection. My personal favorites are Boulevard Blend, a good crowd-pleasing medium blend, … Continue reading
The End of Suburbia
My family recently watched “The End of Suburbia”, and it caused quite a bit of discussion. Our teen-aged daughters’ perspectives were especially interesting. This is a movie that I think everybody should see, if for no other reason than to get people thinking about how their lives will change post-Peak Oil. Continue reading
Posted in Uncategorized
Tagged library, movie, netflix, new_urbanism, peak_oil, review, sacramento
New fence
Our back fence completely failed a few weeks ago. We got it replaced today, and we’re very happy with the installer. Continue reading
Posted in Our home remodeling project, Uncategorized
Tagged fence, review, sacramento, yard
Wenelli’s Pizza
Wenelli’s is a great little pizza place in Arden Park! Continue reading
Outfoxed review, related links
‘Outfoxed: Rupert Murdoch’s War on Journalism’ ought to be required viewing! Continue reading